For proof of life: NASA showed a new generation of Mars rover

In the summer of 2020, NASA will launch a rover that should finally answer the question of whether there was life on Mars. Fast Company journalist visited the NASA laboratory and told how the work on the apparatus is arranged

Mars 2020, which will go to the red planet this summer, is being assembled at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in a special “clean room”. By the way, the rover does not have a name yet: those who wish could vote for their favorite option until January 27, 2020, the results of the competition will be announced in the near future. The “Clean Room” is so called because it is strictly controlled for air quality, temperature, humidity and almost no dust – all of which can interfere with “Martian” experiments.

Subtle nature

At the end of 2019, the Lab invited journalists to visit, including Susan Carlin, editor of Fast Company, who later spoke about how scientists are working on the rover. Laboratory employees who assemble the rover can only use unscented shampoos and a certain type of deodorant, they are forbidden to use perfumes, cosmetics, and wear woolen clothes. Before entering the “clean room”, the journalists were put on “bunny suits” – white polyester overalls, surgical masks and gloves glued to the sleeves. Then they were led through the cabin, where strong air currents blew away microscopic debris from them.

Photo: NASA

“We don’t want to send a device to Mars, and then, when it returns, say: “Hey, there’s my hair right there!” All rules are needed in order to protect the scientific component of this mission,” emphasizes David Gruelle, Mars 2020 build, test and launch manager.

The biggest danger is contamination of the room with solid particles. Highly sensitive electronics must be protected not only from these particles, but also from electrostatic discharges. The human body is capable of producing electricity, and even a five-volt discharge can damage the rover’s sensitive hardware, according to James Sean, head of Mars 2020 hardware validation.

Photo: NASA

To prevent this from happening, the equipment is surrounded by air ionizers that neutralize static electricity by filling the air with positively and negatively charged ions. Humidity is maintained at 30% for good absorption and distribution of excess charges. The protective suits worn by engineers working on the rover contain elements of carbon to relieve static from the fabric.

star dust

Mars 2020 began designing in 2011. On Mars, he will look for evidence that microorganisms lived on the planet in the past: Curiosity confirmed that Mars had suitable conditions for microscopic life forms.

The new rover has been equipped with more tools to find biological signatures. To do this, he will explore the Jezero crater, in which there was a lake 3,5 billion years ago. The system includes cameras that produce panoramic and stereoscopic images, an underground survey radar, rock survey instruments and a spectrometer. The spectrometer will emit ultraviolet rays, then receive the spectral analysis of the samples. It is assumed that in 2026 soil samples will be delivered to Earth for detailed study.

The $2,5 billion project also aims to test technologies that should keep humans on Mars for long periods of time, including devices that produce oxygen from Martian air, record weather patterns, and measure the size and shape of dust.

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory is also developing a small helicopter that can fly in the local atmosphere and reduced gravity.

The rover is scheduled to land on Mars in February 2021 and stay on the planet for one Martian year (approximately 687 Earth days).

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