Since the governments of France and Italy removed cheap alcohol from sale in the 1960s, the death rate from alcohol-related liver disease has dropped 5-fold in these countries. And in the UK, where, as in Russia, the degree of the drink is traditionally valued first of all, this figure has doubled over the past 35 years.
Since the governments of France and Italy removed cheap alcohol from sale in the 1960s, the death rate from alcohol-related liver disease has dropped 5-fold in these countries. And in the UK, where, as in Russia, the degree of the drink is traditionally valued first of all, this figure has doubled over the past 35 years. At the same time, our country still occupies one of the first places in the world in terms of absolute alcohol consumption per capita — 15 liters per year*. Alas, it is not always in our power to influence public policy, but we still make the choice between quality and quantity ourselves.
* Journal of Family Psychology, 2010, vol. 24 (6).