For lovers of experiments: I share my grandfather’s recipe for the classic Garlic on moonshine

Oh, this moonshine! There are so many recipes in the world, however, I got a really worthy version of its preparation from my grandfather, who was an ardent moonshiner. Everyone in the village called grandfather the lord of moonshine, so his grandfather turned out to be burning and of high quality.

I am lucky to have inherited this recipe. At first glance, it may seem that garlic is not an ingredient that should be added to moonshine. However, the preparation of drinks is a flight of fancy, so this option should be on everyone’s shelf.

The taste of moonshine turns out to be mild, however, the drink itself is strong, so it is clearly suitable for those who love experiments and want to diversify their experience.

The story was sent by my subscriber Vitaly.

What ingredients and equipment will be needed

In order to prepare this drink of the gods, I used garlic that grows in my garden. I planted Russian garlic, not Chinese, as it has a number of distinctive features, and besides, it does not contain chlorine, like some imported ones:

  • Garlic should be heavy. This means that there is enough water in it, a lot of juice will come out of it. As a result, the moonshine itself will turn out to be rich and tart.
  • Garlic should not have a metallic taste. This can manifest itself in the taste of the future drink, so before cooking, you should carefully monitor this moment. You just need to try the garlic yourself.
  • It is better to choose garlic with a piece of the stem, as this is also an indicator of quality and freshness.

Important! If you buy garlic, I advise you to look at the appearance. Russian garlic can sprout – this is completely normal. It is bad when the garlic has a perfect appearance. This suggests that it may be imported.

I think that there will be no problems for those who take their own home-made garlic for moonshine. I did the same. I took the best heads that I only had in the garden, as well as my own moonshine. In general, for cooking it took:

  • 400 gram of garlic;
  • 0,5 l of purified moonshine.

After preparing all the ingredients, I proceed to the essence.

The cooking process

First, I prepared the garlic. To do this, you need to take a few heads, clean them thoroughly so that there is no husk left. Next, it should be divided into small slices.

Then comes the blender. I have a fairly powerful model, so the grinding process itself went quickly. If you do not have a blender, you can use the old-fashioned method – a regular grater. However, the process will then take much longer.

After obtaining a homogeneous slurry, I mix the finished and purified moonshine with the resulting mass, mix thoroughly. I place the almost ready drink in a closed vessel and put it in the room where I keep the blanks and stocks of alcohol.

This room has thick curtains and is generally quite warm. In order for alcohol to brew, you need to choose a warm place without temperature changes.

Important! The container should be glass.

The tincture should stand for a month. After that, I filter it through cheesecloth and leave it again for 15 days under the same conditions.

What will be the result

At the very end, you get a great garlic tincture! From the first time it may seem that she has a pleasant, but at the same time tart taste. Moreover, it is drunk simply, moonshine is practically not felt.

This is what the tincture will look like.

The tincture has a bright and pronounced garlic taste. The smell matches the added ingredient. Color – yellowish. Moonshine will be cloudy due to the fact that garlic releases the appropriate pigment – this is normal.

If you take garlic directly from the garden, then the shade will be greener. This is due to the fact that fresher fruit has more juice, however, it can dry out over time.

How to serve and with what to use

You can serve garlic tincture with any dishes, but the taste will be especially revealed along with meat products and strong rich soups. This moonshine goes well with meat baked on coals, so I often cook it for the barbecue season.

There are no special restrictions on the use of moonshine tincture. You can drink it from any container, but glass piles or even an iron flask are best suited. Moonshine is stored in the same container in which it was infused.

I love experimenting with different alcoholic drinks and I am glad that this unique recipe was inherited by me. If such drinks were successful before, why not repeat them now? Do you have family recipes?

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