Compared to the intensive work that the sense of sight does every day, we do not pay much attention to it. In the morning, when we lift our eyelids, we automatically gain the ability to see. In order for good eyesight to serve us for many years, let’s try to make a few changes that will help to keep it as long as possible.
The nature of work or hobby often forces us to strain this organ. Fortunately, we can make life easier for our eyes.
What spoils our eyesight?
Eyesight deterioration most often affects: drivers, people working at the computer, spending long hours in front of the TV during the day, elderly people who are familiar with glaucoma, atherosclerosis, hypertension or diabetes. In addition, the condition of the eyesight is not conducive to poor nutrition, especially poor in vitamins, spending many hours in full sun or reading, collecting stamps or coins. People who experience a decrease in visual acuity, eye fatigue, as well as students and pupils are at risk.
Tips good for the eyesight
- The lighting in the rooms should be diffused, neither too weak nor too strong.
- When studying or reading, the light should come from the side and slightly behind.
- When working in front of a computer, keep your head above your body, instead of bending it forward.
- Let’s keep at least a 20-centimeter distance between the eyes and the monitor.
- Let’s not forget about 5-minute breaks, let’s rest our eyes once an hour.
- Guide as often as possible vision outside the computer area, preferably somewhere far away.
- Don’t sit too close to the TV.
- Let’s not forget to blink or steer sometimes vision off screen. By blinking, the eyes are better hydrated.
- When it’s sunny outside, remember about sunglasses, because too much sunlight can damage the retina. Protective glasses reflect UV rays.
Diet for the eyes
Nutrition alone, even if it is rich in vitamins and anthocyanins, will not replace a hygienic lifestyle. However, in combination with rest, a healthy diet is the best choice. Let’s try to include black currants, blackberries, elderberries, chokeberries, raspberries, grapes, cornflower and black mallow flowers, eggplants and red cabbage in everyday meals.
It would be ideal to consume blueberry, i.e. a blueberry. It will provide us with valuable anthocyanins that strengthen the walls of capillaries, and also have anti-inflammatory properties, which is why they are irreplaceable in ophthalmology, i.e. in improving blood circulation within the iris of the eye. They protect the eyes against free radicals and increase the degree of regeneration of rhodopsin, which is the pigment responsible for vision. Blueberries contribute to the improvement of night vision and facilitate the restoration of visual acuity.