For breakfast, lunch and dinner: how excessive coffee consumption affects our brain

For many of us, a cup of coffee has become an integral part of our morning ritual. And no wonder: after all, caffeine increases energy levels, relieves drowsiness, improves concentration … Only recent studies have shown that the abuse of an invigorating drink harms our brain. We’ll tell you exactly how.

It is assumed that caffeine can indirectly affect the growth and division of brain cells, as well as the formation of new blood vessels. Coffee may also contain another substance, cafestol, which raises blood cholesterol levels and leads to other side effects.

Scientists studied the medical records of almost 18 thousand people and found that those who drank more than 6 cups of coffee a day had a 53% higher risk of developing dementia. In some cases, long-term excessive consumption of the drink gradually led to brain atrophy – its volume decreased.

However, moderate coffee consumption, that is, no more than two cups a day, can backfire and protect us from dementia.

Why does our diet affect the brain?

“Our diet affects not only body weight and body condition, but also our psyche, as well as the health of our brain,” says psychiatrist and nutritionist Uma Naidu, author of the best-selling book Restless Brain.

“There is a connection between the brain and the digestive system, because during the development of the fetus in the womb, they are formed from the same cells. These two organs are connected by the vagus nerve. Imagine that there is a two-way highway between the brain and the GI tract,” explains Naidoo.

“The gut microflora is unique for each person, living conditions can also be very different. Therefore, our reaction to different products is very individual. As for coffee, I advise you to use it consciously, paying attention to how your physical and mental state changes, ”the expert recommends.

If you decide to give up coffee, but not completely eliminate caffeine, it is important to understand which caffeine-containing drinks are more healthy.

“It is better to exclude sweet soda and energy drinks, they contain many artificial additives that disrupt the intestinal microflora and can negatively affect our psyche.

I recommend drinking tea instead – green or, for example, mushroom. These drinks are energizing, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, all of which improve brain health and protect against the development of diseases such as dementia,” advises Uma Naidu.

What else should be included in the diet if you care about the health of your brain and nervous system? Here’s what the experts recommend:

  • foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids: salmon, tuna, nuts;
  • vegetables, fresh herbs;
  • blueberries;
  • oranges;
  • turmeric;
  • dark chocolate.

“A balanced diet and quality foods are very beneficial for both physical and mental health. Don’t forget that a healthy body needs a clear mind to function properly, and vice versa,” emphasizes Naidoo.

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