For body and soul: yoga instructors in Vladivostok

Everyone is planning to do yoga but don’t know if it’s right for you? Can’t find a gym nearby and find your instructor? Or maybe you’re just not sure if yoga will make your life better? Five of our heroines will try to convince you of this, and at the same time dispel prejudices about the practice and share the details of their lifestyle. Yoga is great! See for yourself.

My classes are held in two rooms

st. Moskovskaya, 1 (center)

st. Kirov, 25V (second river)

And you can follow the updates on my instagram profile: @NemYoga

– I started doing yoga in America, I was attracted by the atmosphere. The classes were calm and at the same time dynamic, it required a lot of physical effort and concentration. After a while, I began to notice changes in my body, open up new possibilities and feel lightness in movements, this lightness was transferred to other aspects of life.

The idea of ​​teaching came much later and rather spontaneously. I traveled to Southeast Asia and came across a brochure describing a yoga teacher certification course. I have always wanted to learn more about this science, study independently and share knowledge and experience with other people.

I think I have seen more sunrises this year than in my entire life! My day starts early, I live it from dawn to dusk, I try to fill it with interesting events, useful work and rest.

I’ve experimented a lot with nutrition, and each time my preferences change. I mostly stick to a vegetarian diet, but there are exceptions. I believe that food should be balanced, food should be simple, fresh and tasty.

I have a positive attitude towards self-study at home! Many simply do not have the opportunity to attend group classes. It’s great when a person realizes the importance of physical activity and does it himself. Perhaps in the future he will want to know more and turn to the teacher.

A yoga instructor is my main occupation now. At the same time, I am studying for a magistracy and doing self-development.

For beginners, I always advise you not to compare yourself with anyone: everyone has their own characteristics and abilities – this is what forms our personality. In yoga practice, you need to be patient and constant, then the result will not be long in coming!

Read on: the river is dreaming

Dance and beauty studio “Grand Diamond”, dance studio “Polaris”

– Acquaintance with yoga began in 2010. I had to go to yoga. It was necessary to get rid of back pain. And since then I have never regretted: the state of health has improved, the body has become more responsive.

Initially, there was no idea to teach. It all happened by accident – I needed a replacement in the classroom, where I trained myself. They asked for help. It worked out and really liked it!

I lead an active lifestyle – getting up early, practice, work, training. Meals are vegetarian according to the principle: the simpler the food is prepared, the fewer ingredients, the better.

Classes at home are good when you have an understanding of what to do and how to do it. Based on the principle of Ahimsa (do no harm), you should still begin to practice under the guidance of an instructor. In the future, having a general understanding, using information from books and videos, shifting to your self-awareness, you can build a competent practice at home. Another thing is that at home it is sometimes not so easy to concentrate and devote time to yourself and your health.

A yoga instructor is not my main occupation, there is also the usual 40-hour job. In addition to yoga, I am fond of dancing, music, athletics, available within the city (swimming pool, stretching classes and general body tone). I am interested in everything related to nutrition – food combinations, vegan recipes, etc.

For beginners, however, as well as for those who are just about to start, there is only one advice – practice. Don’t put off until tomorrow, don’t wait, don’t look back at anyone, just do what is available today – and then more will be available tomorrow. And it’s not just about physical development.

While my own studio is in the making, I teach one-to-one lessons.

– My first acquaintance with yoga happened when I was about 14 years old. It was a small class in a sports complex where I ran after school to fight the complexes. At that time, very few people knew something about yoga, and I distinctly remember how the coach literally taught a lesson from a book that was lying next to her rug. Since throughout my childhood I was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics, for me yoga (as I understood it in the first years of my acquaintance) became a logical continuation of physical activity to maintain natural flexibility.

It was only a few years later that I discovered the true philosophy of yoga. With regular practice, careful study, and dedication, things slowly fell into place. Of course, yoga is much more than creating delightful forms with your body. Yoga is a search for inner peace. Asanas are just one of the tools. During my journey in search of myself, I made a long stop at one of the ashrams in India, where I studied the therapeutic effects of yoga on human health. There, during a personal conversation, Guruji shared that he sees me as an excellent mentor, and advised me to devote myself to this.

Even at the institute, I became interested in the science of nutrition and the influence of food on our body. I study this area to this day with ardent enthusiasm. She even managed to unlearn a correspondence course at the Institute of Pittsburgh at the Department of Nutrition and Physical Health Science. Therefore, I carefully monitor the content of my plate and those of my loved ones.

I have a positive attitude to any penetration of yoga into life, as long as everything happens naturally and without harm to health. It is very important to set yourself up for practice. Spend some time in upbringing, go all the way to the end, without looking up at the received message on the network or urgently wiping the dust, which is visible from this angle. When practicing asanas on your own, it is very important to listen carefully to your body in order to avoid injury. In home practice, you can follow your own path, your desires. Here, except for you, no one controls the situation. And he doesn’t peep.

Self-practice is a form of self-care. We brush our teeth, apply cream to our eyelids, so why not make a sun salutation?

Many people worry that they are not flexible enough to practice yoga. Actually, yoga is not about flexibility. I assure you, if you alone are not able to dashingly “reach the feet” of all the students in the class, you will get the most out of this. Victory gained by overcoming obstacles and inconveniences will provide more experience. The path is very important. This is your therapy on a rug in cute leggings.

Yoga instructor at the “Geometry of Fitness” sports club

– After 18 years, I went to one local fitness center and I was immediately drawn to yoga. Later I tried many fitness programs. And after 4 years I realized that yoga is my only love. I studied a lot at home, attended various seminars. In 2013, she decided to go to India for the first teacher’s course in Hatha Yoga.

I stick to a healthy diet. Of course, alcohol and cigarettes are not mine. I am okay with vegetarianism, but I think that it is not suitable for everyone. I myself do not eat meat and chicken, I eat a small amount of seafood and eggs. The rest is plant food (brown rice, chickpeas, mung bean, buckwheat, spices, vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts). From harmful: I can not refuse sweet and a cup of delicious latte with syrup. I also use Ayurvedic drugs: shatavari, triphala, spirulina.

I am wary of homework. The fact is that beginners in yoga will not be able to correctly build a position and risk getting injured. In group or individual lessons, it is much easier to understand the correctness and technique of performing asanas, and then you can continue training at home.

Yoga instructor is my main occupation. I love an active lifestyle, hiking, traveling, Nordic walking in the forest, I ride a SuperJet jet ski for many years, I love sea trips on a boat or yacht. I love history, Indian culture and Vedic philosophy. Do yoga – it will definitely change your life.

Yogi Hall (direction – Iyengar yoga)

– Due to problems with blood vessels, not a single type of fitness was suitable for me, so I paid attention to yoga, but love at first sight also did not happen – I could not find my teacher. I gave up classes, but the body required a load. 4 years ago I accidentally saw an advertisement for a studio near my house and started walking. I immediately felt that I got to “my” coach, the practice became more and more conscious every day. I wanted to practice, read books, literally everything was interesting. The senior teacher, seeing my interest and desire to go deeper into the topic, offered to study as an instructor. I conducted my first lesson for the group in which I was then studying.

About six months ago, the meat stopped looking tasty to me – that’s why I don’t eat it. If you listen to your body, over time it will tell you what it needs at the moment. I eat more cereals, they go well with baked and fresh vegetables, I eat fish, cottage cheese and other dairy products, nuts, dried fruits. Regular yoga classes affect many processes in the body – hormones, metabolism, liver and other organs, and therefore the rejection of some foods and the transition to others – lighter and more useful – occurs calmly and naturally. The philosophy of yoga does not accept violence, including against your body and mind: you should not give up meat and other animal products if you are not ready for this.

Before starting classes, I recommend to undergo an examination in order to exclude contraindications. It is still better to visit several lessons with an instructor in order to understand how the lesson is structured, which asanas are shown to you, and which are better to refrain from. For example, if a person has problems with the lumbar spine, you should not perform back bends until the back muscles are not sufficiently strengthened. From time to time, you should also attend classes or seminars with senior and experienced teachers to make sure that you are doing everything right and the practice has a positive effect.

I really love yoga, so I devote a lot of time to it. In the future, I consider it my main occupation, although I am open to everything new and interesting. I have other work as well, and I am glad that the free schedule allows me to devote more time to practice and teaching.

You don’t need to make any fateful decisions. First spread the rug for 20 minutes in the morning and make a sun salutation. Don’t ask too much of yourself. Your practice is only for you, it makes you who you are. Gives freedom from the usual framework of existence. After a few days, you will feel differently: lighter, calmer, more confident.

When opening your eyes in the morning, it is important to remember one thing – fear, laziness and self-pity did not make any person happy. Listening to your heart, understanding what makes you free, overcoming the inertia of the mind and body, pushing the boundaries of your capabilities – this is self-knowledge and self-development, which are the meaning of life for each of us.

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