Soccer Clubs generate income with everything that adds value to their brand, also good food pairs perfectly with their playing field.
Everyone knows the different initiatives that the Soccer Clubs World Tops, They have been developing for a few years inside their sports facilities.
Large stores and multifunctional spaces accommodate the best tables to share Leisure, Sports and Gastronomy in one place.
In the city of Turin we have a showcase where pasta is served with views of the countryside in the Juventus Stadium Legend Club, in Munich, the
Arena One of the Allianz Stadium,
perfectly combines the best selection of beers Pilsen with an exquisite menu of local cuisine, and in the British Isles the Red Café Old Trafford Manchester, to feel an authentic “Red Devil” for a few hours.
The offer is not the result of chance, and the fun and above all the great pull that football has as a mass phenomenon and above all “sense of belonging” They make the operation of hospitality businesses in the stadiums increasingly claim to enjoy a gastronomy, local, thematic in some cases and avant-garde for the most daring.
Pairing with goals and dribbles
In our country we have two clear precursors of this type of thematic leisure, providing each of its properties with a particular space that combines perfectly with the offer of symbolism that sports clubs have.
In the case of FC Barcelona, the Club has set up an exclusive space in its stadium to enjoy a gourmet experience, called Camp Nou Lounge where Barça fans and of course good food, will be able to taste the culinary creations of Antonio Saez with the pitch as a companion.
Recently, a new restaurant was inaugurated in the stadium by the hand of the Catalan Chef Carles Abellán, his name Tapas 24, where traditional tapas defend their boundaries, so that the most cutting-edge culinary treats and offers a perfect match of snacks to visitors.
Better known are undoubtedly the already veteran establishments that run the construction space of the Madrid stadium of the Santiago Bernabéu, not in vain it was one of the precursors of this initiative to combine sports leisure with select gastronomy.
Al Informal but refined Real Cafe from the South end stand, he was joined by the elegant and no less meringue 57 gate, where the gallery has elegant tablecloth tables with the best views of the white temple.
As a concept for the exploitation of the seating space, a Corner Grill , which is accessed through door 46, where the terrace occupies the seat of the heated members who applaud their players every Sunday, but this pleasure is only enjoyed in summer when the sports competition is in Stand by. During the rest of the year, the terrace is the window of the living room area that thanks to its panoramic view does not detract from the summer occupation.
The highest of all is the Eastern Concept of Zen Market, that from the hand of Roger Chen, He stayed in the upper tier of the stadium, accessing it through the panoramic elevators of Tower B, a high-level gastronomy that combines art with exquisite menus of Chinese and Japanese cuisine.
Man does not live on football alone, Gastronomy and Leisure They are not only compatible, but from now on they will be difficult to separate within the football fields of Clubs around the world.