Foods with more protein than meat

Foods with more protein than meat

And many of them are also much cheaper.

Nutritionists advise to include protein foods in every meal, as this is an important part of a healthy and balanced diet. Protein is also necessary during weight loss, so that in a calorie deficit you do not burn muscles along with fat, and get a beautiful toned body.

The more active your lifestyle, the more protein you need. The average formula is as follows: a person needs 0,8 grams of protein per kilogram of weight per day (the rule does not apply to a child’s body).

It is believed that you can get the required amount of protein only from animal products. But for vegetarians, we have good news. There are many products in which protein is not less than meat.

One serving contains 15 grams of protein. This is the same as 50 grams of pork loin or two chicken drumsticks. Plus, black beans are a great source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and are low in fat.

What to cook: base for veggie burger, crunchy bean tacos, base for soups.

A variety of white beans. It has a creamy taste, which is why such beans are also called butter beans. These beans are high in dietary fiber, as well as iron, magnesium and calcium. proteins, fats and vitamins. There are 14 grams of protein in one serving of cooked beans – that’s half a serving of scrambled eggs.

What to cook: Lima beans are often used for frying, stewing. It can also be used as a base for a veggie burger. Or make a delicious bean soup, replacing meat with it.

60 grams of almonds or 1 tablespoon of almond oil contains 12 grams of protein – the same as 400 ml of milk. Almonds are packed with nutrients, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins. Almond oil contains calcium, magnesium, iron.

What to cook: Almond oil goes well with apples, pears or bananas. You can add a spoonful of butter to a smoothie or oatmeal, spread the butter onto toast, or eat straight out of a can.

Just like beans, lentils are a great source of protein. One serving contains 18 grams of protein – more than a hamburger. Lentils also contain a lot of fiber, vitamins and minerals.

What to cook: red lentil soup with curry, porridge, lentil cutlets.

This fermented soybean product is one of the staple daily foods in Sri Lanka and Indonesia and is rich in protein. During cooking, a special yeast culture is added to the soy. Under the influence of the fungus, the soybean mass becomes viscous and dense, almost like meat. The taste of ready-made tempeh is often compared to nuts and mushrooms. And for many, tempeh is a great substitute for chicken or bacon. For comparison, a serving of tempeh contains 33 grams of protein, while a slice of bacon contains only 4 grams. Tempeh is ahead of tofu in terms of protein. Plus, thanks to fermentation, it is easier to digest.

What to cook: tempeh is served with a side dish, in soups, stews or fried dishes. They can replace chicken in salads or meat in a burger. Tempeh makes delicious nuggets and barbecues.

Soybeans are only slightly inferior to meat in terms of the amount of useful amino acids. In addition, soy is rich in B vitamins and protein. One serving of soy contains 18 grams of protein – the same as 75 grams of salmon or 180 grams of cottage cheese.

What to cook: soy is the most common meat substitute. Place the pieces of soy tofu instead of the chicken in the stew. Make a barbecue or even vegan scrambled eggs with soybeans.

One glass of boiled quinoa will provide you with 8 grams of protein. Quinoa is gluten free. In addition, it is one of the few plants that contains all the amino acids essential for humans. It is also high in fiber, magnesium, vitamins E and B, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and essential antioxidants. Quinoa has a very low glycemic index, which is especially important for blood sugar control.

What to cook: Quinoa is a great base for soups and stews. You can also substitute quinoa for the minced meat in your burger, or make cereal for breakfast.

Remember the cartoon about the sailor Popeye? When this guy needed super strength and super muscle, he just ate a can of spinach. Although we do not recommend eating canned spinach following Popeye’s example – there are much more vitamins and minerals in the fresh one. From 300 grams of spinach, you get 9 grams of protein. And spinach is one of the main sources of folic acid, which is responsible for the growth and health of body cells, and is also very important for expectant mothers.

What to cook: Spinach smoothies are a great alternative to powdered protein shakes.

This cereal is gluten-free and has a low glycemic index, making it ideal for people with diabetes and those looking to lose weight. And buckwheat is also an excellent source of easily digestible proteins.

There are 100 grams of protein in 12,6 grams of buckwheat. For comparison, two hard-boiled chicken eggs contain 14 grams of protein.

What to cook: side dish for lunch or porridge for breakfast, as well as delicious buckwheat pancakes.

100 grams of the product contains 31 grams of protein – the same as 85 grams of lean beef. Hemp seeds are the absolute winner for the amount of plant protein. In addition, this product contains all 22 known amino acids, including 9 essential amino acids that our bodies cannot produce on their own and must be obtained from food. Hemp seeds contain omega-3 and omega-6, and magnesium is a mineral that is soothing, stress-relieving, and even slimming.

What to cook: Hemp seeds can be added to cereals or cereals for breakfast, as well as smoothies and homemade juices.

100 grams of hummus contains 8 grams of protein. This is equivalent to a cup of skim milk or 3 tablespoons of ground beef. The oriental hummus dish is easy to make at home too. It is enough to mix a jar of chickpeas, a clove of garlic, olive oil, sesame paste, lemon juice and salt in a food processor.

What to cook: substitute hummus for meat, cheese, or high-calorie sandwich spreads.

Jackfruit is very nutritious. In India, this fruit is called bread for the poor. 250 grams of jackfruit pulp is comparable to a cup of skim milk in terms of protein. It’s not the most protein on our list, but it has been gaining more and more popularity among vegetarians lately. And also jackfruit is a storehouse of vitamins A, B, C, as well as magnesium and folic acid. However, it is not so easy to find it in our stores.

What to cook: vegan tacos and nachos, jackfruit kebab, vegetable stew and cutlets.

By the way, in order to lose weight, you can not even give up the usual harmful, but such delicious products: sausages, mayonnaise, cheese. It’s just worth trying to replace them with alternative ones: for example, almost calorie mayonnaise, tofu cheese, pea sausage – you can’t tell it from a regular boiled one! There are other products with which it is easy, satisfying and tasty to lose weight. You can find the full list HERE.

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