Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

In prevention of toxoplasmosis

Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by Toxoplasma gondii, a parasite present in soil (and therefore on plants) or in meat. It is usually benign, except in unimmunized pregnant women in whom the parasite can cross the placental barrier and infect the fetus with serious consequences. This is why serology is systematically performed at the start of pregnancy. If the mother-to-be is not immune, she will need to take certain dietary precautions (1):

  • avoid raw meats (tartare, carpaccio) or undercooked and cook all types of meat well (temperature between 67 ° C and 72 ° C at heart). Avoid cooking meat in the microwave;
  • wash vegetables, fruits and aromatic herbs very carefully to remove any soil residue and avoid eating them if you do not know how they were cleaned;
  • wash your hands after handling raw meat, raw vegetables soiled with soil, and before each meal;
  • avoid smoked, cured or marinated meats (potential risk);
  • avoid raw goat’s milk (exceptional but proven risk).

For the prevention of listeriosis

Listeriosis is a disease caused by the bacteria Listeria monocytogenes present in the environment and may contaminate the food chain. With 300 cases identified each year in France (2), it is a rare but potentially serious disease in expectant mothers and their babies. During pregnancy, it is advisable to avoid foods considered most at risk of contamination:

  • raw milk cheeses;
  • the cheese rind;
  • smoked fish;
  • raw shellfish;
  • scan ;
  • raw meat products such as charcuterie;
  • sprouted seeds.

It is also advisable to take certain precautions in the kitchen:




  • wash the raw vegetables and aromatic herbs thoroughly;
  • clean utensils and work surfaces before and after use and wash hands after handling raw products
  • set the refrigerator to a maximum of 4 ° C and clean it regularly;
  • respect the use-by dates for packaged foods and in the case of cut products, consume them as quickly as possible.

In prevention of salmonellosis

The second leading cause of foodborne illness, salmonellosis is responsible for acute gastroenteritis. In certain sensitive populations such as mothers-to-be, it can have serious consequences. To prevent it, we advise future mothers to:

  • avoid raw or undercooked eggs and all foods made from raw eggs (mayonnaise, chocolate mousse, tiramisu, etc.);
  • choose pasteurized dairy products and milk;
  • eat well-cooked meats and fish.

Foods to limit as a preventive measure

  • Sweeteners

For several years, the question of the harmlessness on the fetus of sweeteners, and in particular aspartame, has been raised. An epidemiological study (3) suggests a higher risk of premature childbirth among the heaviest consumers of sweetened drinks. In its 2015 report on intense sweeteners (5), ANSES concludes that current work does not allow “nor to conclude on the related risk ?? aÌ € the consumption of intense sweeteners during pregnancy, whether on healthÌ ?? mother’s, obstetric parameters, or healthÌ ?? of the newborn ??. Prevention is therefore essential, especially since according to a recent study (6), the regular consumption of light drinks during pregnancy is associated with an increased risk for the baby of being overweight. The Canadian study, which followed more than 3000 mothers and their babies, showed that children whose mothers regularly consumed this type of drink during their pregnancy were twice as likely to be overweight at the time of pregnancy. one year old.

  • Some fish

Methylmercury is a heavy metal naturally present in trace amounts in the environment, but it is found particularly concentrated in fish, at different levels depending on the species. However, in high doses, it is toxic to the central nervous system of man, in particular during its development in utero. Also as a preventive measure, ANSES (7) makes the following recommendations for pregnant women:

– as a precaution, avoid consuming the most contaminated fish: sharks, lampreys, swordfish, marlins and sikis;

– limit the consumption of fish likely to be highly contaminated to 150 g. Either: anglerfish or monkfish, Atlantic wolf, bonito, eel and elver, emperor, orange roughy or Mediterranean roughy, pomegranate, Atlantic halibut, cardine, mullet, pike, palomete, Mediterranean capelin, common pailona, rays, big redfish, Atlantic sailfish, silver scabbard and black scabbard, sea bream, pageot, escolier black or stromaté, rouvet, escolar snake, sturgeon, tuna …

  • Soy

Soy contains phytoestrogens that mimic estradiol, the sex hormone. Animal experiments have shown abnormalities in the development of the genitals and impaired fertility of the offspring after in utero or neonatal exposure to phytoestrogens. This has not been proven in humans, but as a preventive measure, in its guide on nutrition for pregnant women (8), the INPES recommends during pregnancy to limit soy foods (soy milk , tofu, soy yogurt) to one per day.

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