Physiological appetite is a feeling that indicates that our body needs food. Appetite “turns on” on average once every four hours, when a significant decrease in blood glucose levels is recorded. After we have satisfied our hunger, this indicator is normalized, as a result of which the appetite disappears until the moment when we feel hungry again.
It also happens that the corresponding signal about the need to eat enters the cerebral cortex after a person begins to eat – it’s not for nothing that they say that appetite comes with eating. However, as it turns out, the problem is that he can come after her too! Many of us have had to deal with this rather strange feeling: as if you had just had a snack, but the feeling of hunger did not subside, but, on the contrary, only increased. Perhaps the whole point is that in your diet there are foods that have the property of “stirring up” the appetite. They provoke the so-called “false hunger” and push us to overeat. And since “forewarned is forearmed,” let’s figure out what kind of food stimulates the appetite even if you are completely full.
Paradoxically, it is the so-called “diet” foods that top the list. The notorious muesli, yogurt, cereals and other similar products are commonly advertised as “healthy food”. However, the feeling of hunger usually occurs within an hour after you use them for breakfast. The thing is that along with such food, our body receives a “shock” dose of carbohydrates. As a result, blood sugar rises rapidly – and then with the same colossal speed falls to its previous level. As a result, the feeling of fullness disappears without a trace.
Another active appetite stimulant is pickled vegetables. They lead to an increase in the production of gastric juice, resulting in a feeling of just the same “brutal” hunger. Therefore, salads containing pickled cucumbers, tomatoes or cabbage should be approached with caution if you do not want to overeat.
Spices also effectively “kindle” the appetite. That is why nutritionists strongly recommend excluding them from the menu for those who want to lose weight. Pepper, turmeric, cumin, bay leaf and basil stimulate the production of gastric juices and activate the digestion process, causing the desire to immediately snack.
Smoothies are another “false friend” of those who want to lose weight. Due to the liquid consistency, our body does not perceive such a cocktail as a “real” full-fledged meal, and therefore gives a second signal to eat. At the same time, smoothies can contain very high-calorie ingredients: fruits with a high sugar content, nuts and chocolate.
Fast food and semi-finished products are food literally “stuffed” with flavors and flavor enhancers. Many of us know how difficult it is to deny ourselves the next hamburger, a portion of french fries, a bag of chips or crackers. However, due to the high content of sugar, trans fats and flavorings, it is impossible to get enough of such delicacies.
Finally, you should be extremely careful about drinking alcohol if you are going to lose weight. The thing is that, being carried away by alcohol-containing drinks during a meal, we literally lose control over ourselves. The body is simply not able to determine how much food is needed to saturate. In other words, alcohol also stimulates the feeling of “false hunger”, preventing us from feeling full.