Still, our pets should eat differently from us. There are several very important reasons for this.
“Well, here’s another, buy special feed. He’ll eat my porridge, that’s okay, ”my friend dismisses my insistent advice not to feed the cat from her table. Her Vasily really eats everything. And at first glance, absolutely happy. But it seems to me that this approach is like feeding a child with junk food. He will eat it with pleasure, look happy and … fat. And then sick.
“We can approach nutrition consciously, choose our own products and prepare healthy and tasty dishes, but pets do not have this opportunity, so the responsibility lies with their owners,” says Tatiana Gevorkyan, TV presenter and supporter of a healthy lifestyle.
Experts say that cats are carnivorous animals, so meat and by-products should be the basis of their diet, not porridge. But for a complete and balanced diet, the diet should contain vegetables and grains, oils and fats, vitamins and minerals.
“It is difficult to maintain a balance at home, but everything you need is in the ready-made complete feed,” says Natalya Malkova, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences.
Experts very clearly formulated why food from our table is not suitable for animals. The thing is that our digestive tract is completely differently arranged: from the number of bacteria to the length of the intestine. Look through the pictures – everything is displayed clearly on them.
- Photo Shoot:
- press service WHISKAS
Experts named the most harmful products that can be transferred to cats from the human table. There were nine of them.
1. Milk
Oops. Unexpected, right? We are used to the fact that cats are crazy about milk. But it turns out that it is not just unhelpful for them – it is harmful. Milk in cats can cause gastrointestinal problems and diarrhea.
2. Chocolate
Yes, cats rarely eat candy, but anything can happen. Chocolate can cause irregular heart rhythms, intense thirst and increased urination – an unnecessary burden on the kidneys of the animal.
3. Onions and garlic
Of course, the pure cat will not eat them. But if you feed him with soup or other food from your own plate, then most likely there is both. Onions and garlic contain substances that destroy red blood cells in the animal’s blood. As a result, the cat can develop hemolytic anemia, a dangerous blood disorder.
4. Macadamia nuts
Available in baked goods. They are harmless to humans, while in animals they can cause vomiting, fever, impaired movement and lethargy.
5. Xylitol
A popular sweetener in cats causes an increased production of insulin, which can cause vomiting, seizures, and the animal loses coordination and sometimes consciousness.
6. Alcohol
Few could resist not asking a cat or dog to lick wine or beer from their palm. Some agree. Alcohol affects animals in the same way as humans: it causes tachycardia, increased excitability, impaired coordination of movements and respiration.
7. Yeast dough
Everything is simple here: it causes increased gas formation in the digestive tract.
8. Raw meat, eggs and bones
It would seem nonsense: in nature, cats hunt, and no one cooks or fries them caught mice and birds. However, domestic cats do not need such extreme. Purchased meat can be contaminated with pathogens and parasites. And bones injure the digestive tract. Therefore, it is better to feed cats specially designed food that contains everything you need: from minerals to vitamins, from meat to vegetables, such as Whiskas.
9. Fruit pips
Can also be found in baked goods and other foods. They are dangerous because they form hydrocyanic acid in the intestines and can cause poisoning.