For some products, there is a time when they are as useful as possible, the rest of the time they are just an empty variety of your daily diet or even interfere with proper digestion.
Apples are good as a snack, after breakfast, but not on an empty stomach. Apples contain pectins that improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines. But an apple eaten at night will add discomfort and provoke an increase in the acidity of the stomach.
Cottage cheese
Cottage cheese should also be eaten for breakfast or lunch, the protein will be perfectly absorbed and will improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract. And the cottage cheese eaten for dinner will create discomfort and pain in the stomach. In general, any dairy products can provoke such a reaction and cause exacerbations of chronic diseases.
This is a great side dish for lunch, it can increase the tone and energy. Despite the fact that rice belongs to a dietary product, it is quite high in calories for your dinner. In addition, it is heavy for the stomach and it is not recommended to eat it at night.
Cheese is a protein snack and a good addition to breakfast. It has a lot of calcium, and it is able to give a feeling of satiety for a long time. For its caloric content, it is not recommended to eat in the afternoon. In addition, like any other dairy product, it increases fermentation in the stomach and provokes pain.
A good source of protein, it is the foundation for muscle growth. Meat improves brain function, stimulates the immune system, contains vitamins and elements necessary for the body.
It is ideal to eat meat at lunch, but eaten for dinner, it threatens not to be digested at night or digested, causing a feeling of heaviness and restless sleep.
The good news for your dinner is that legumes will be a great side dish for the night. They lower cholesterol, make sleep stronger, normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Since legumes can cause flatulence, you do not need to eat legumes in the middle of the working day, and they will not bring you a feeling of satiety for a long time.
This is a great snack for an athlete and a source of additional energy. In addition, bananas improve mood and calm the nervous system. But again, it is better to eat them in the morning and after lunch. And the closer to the evening, the more likely it is that bananas will provoke inflammatory processes in the stomach and settle on your figure with extra centimeters.
Figs and dried apricots
These dried fruits perfectly accelerate the metabolism and help digest the food that will arrive during the day, and therefore they should be eaten at breakfast. But the same effect at night will only cause flatulence and stomach cramp, so forget about them in the afternoon.
They will also fit perfectly into a pre-midnight snack. The only thing is that any nuts should be eaten no more than a small piece of bread – they are high in calories and prevent weight loss. But omega-3 fatty acids are absorbed best when the body is resting.
It is necessary to pamper yourself, but even in use there are rules. For example, in the first half of the day, when the level of insulin in the blood itself is high, there is no threat of its increase from sweets. And calories are spent more willingly – there is a whole energetic day ahead.
The closer to the evening, the more harm there is from sweets, even from the most useful ones in the form of marshmallows or marmalade.