The first thought that comes to us before starting all the cooking processes is to thoroughly wash the products brought from the market or store. In this way, we try to protect ourselves from potential threats from dirt or germs. But in some cases, such reinsurance is unjustified and, on the contrary, can aggravate the situation.
- Chicken
Raw chicken contains many bacteria on its surface, among which Campylobacter and Salmonella are provocateurs of food poisoning. During washing, all bacteria remain on your hands, on dishes and in the sink, and in the future there is a risk of getting them on other food products. Thanks to the heat treatment you put on the chicken anyway, the germs will die on their own. When boiling the chicken, however, it is advisable to drain the first broth immediately after the chicken has boiled.
- Other types of meat
It is also dangerous to wash beef, pork, lamb, veal before cooking, risking infecting the entire work surface of the kitchen with bacteria. If you need to rinse fresh grass and dirt, then after that be sure to treat your hands and all surfaces with soapy water several times. Optimally, before cooking, blot excess meat juice with a paper napkin and only then proceed to heat treatment. To eat raw meat, if the recipe requires it, you should buy meat in special places with a special designation – this is the only way to protect yourself from serious consequences.
- Chicken eggs
Chicken eggs can also cause salmonella infections. In factories, eggs are treated with a special substance that protects the inside of the egg from the spread of pathogenic microorganisms. Not only will you wash off this protection, you will also thin the skin, and the risk of bacteria getting inside will increase dramatically.
- mushrooms
Soaking mushrooms is a common post-harvest procedure. Of course, it is necessary to wash off the forest dirt. But this should not be done for long. Mushrooms have a porous structure, quickly become saturated with moisture and lose their elasticity. Quickly rinse the mushrooms under running water and pat dry with towels. Do this just before cooking – you can store dirty mushrooms in the refrigerator.
- Pasta
Pasta is a highly starchy food, and some of us try to get rid of a lot of starch in order to “lighten” the meal. Cooks consider this procedure to be a mockery of the dish. After all, it is thanks to the starch that the pasta absorbs the sauce with which it is served. If you want to reduce the calorie content of a dish, just do not eat pasta, prefer vegetable side dishes.