Foods that make the list grow fat
Do you also buy “sweets for losing weight” and proudly chew bread with the words “I’m on a diet”? But no matter how it is! Wday looked at a variety of diet stores and found that even “low calories and 0% sugar” can surreptitiously add inches at the waist.
Fitness enthusiasts have long proven that regular exercise in the gym cannot provide an ideal fit. Here you cannot do without proper nutrition, because training will not make a beautiful abs and a wasp waist if you crack sweets after them.
However, even dietary products, at first glance, are not always low-carbohydrate in composition. We will talk about them in this article.
In a glass of yogurt – three tablespoons of sugar
Not all yoghurts are healthy.
No matter how useful yoghurts may be for us, in the store you should always study the label, or rather, the composition of the product. The very first glass of strawberry yogurt we like with the inscription “light” gives us: attention – 16 grams of sucrose. Consider three (!) Full teaspoons of sugar. A couple of these yoghurts every day, and goodbye, beautiful figure!
What to do: it is better to buy natural yoghurts, that is, without any additives. As a rule, they contain only milk, sourdough, thickeners and no sugars. You can sweeten such a dessert with a handful of your favorite berries or freshly made mashed apples and pears. By the way, preserves and jams are also banned. Otherwise, you risk getting the same “diet” yogurt from the supermarket.
Muesli: calories like chocolate
“Healthy” breakfast with muesli – a very popular shot on Instagram
Starting your morning with crispy cereal is great and healthy. One can still agree with the first statement, but with the second … Many muesli, which are sold in stores today, have undergone heat treatment. Simply put, they were fried in sweet syrup. Where is the use here ?! Add to this all sorts of additives in the form of cornflakes, pieces of chocolate, rice balls, raisins and you get almost 500 calories. It’s like eating a whole bar of milk chocolate. And if you still want to screw on an omelet with sausages or milk porridge? It will turn out to be too high-calorie breakfast …
What to do: instead of muesli, you can make regular oatmeal and add pieces of your favorite fruit or a handful of nuts to it. So it will be possible to save the figure and save a lot.
Are the loafs the same bread?
Whole Grains Make Healthy Breads
If a girl eats bread, then she is on a diet. It’s hard to disagree. There is only one “but”. In pursuit of great demand, some manufacturers give out an almost ordinary loaf of bread for a healthy product. These breads contain wheat flour, yeast, and even margarine! Why then crunch breadcrumbs when you can just as well eat a slice of your favorite Borodino or hearth bread? Agree, the latter is much tastier.
What to do: always pay attention to the composition. Real healthy bread is made from whole grains and cereals. The addition of fiber and natural flavors is acceptable.
Sugar-free ice cream – does it happen?
Even Sharon Stone allows himself a sundae
- Photo Shoot:
- Splash News and Picture Agency
Ice cream is another stumbling block. I wish it were sugar-free and with a minimum of calories … And such ice cream was indeed found, but even though the composition did not contain insidious sugar, the dietary ice cream almost doubled its carbohydrate content in a waffle cup – 19 grams of carbohydrates against 30. By the way, the calories in it were not much less than in a regular ice cream, and it tasted so-so.
What to do: without remorse and with pleasure to indulge in a real ice cream. Of course, in moderation, and it is desirable that vegetable fats are not present in the composition.
A couple of dark chocolate cubes will not affect the figure
When you really want something sweet, even on a diet you can afford a couple of cubes of dark chocolate. True, you need to choose it skillfully. Dark chocolate has the most benefits and less sugar, and the higher the cocoa percentage, the better. But don’t confuse dark chocolate with dark chocolate! Dark chocolate contains just a lot of sugar and all sorts of additives, which, most likely, will not pass without leaving a trace on the waist.
What to do: choose dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 70% and make sure that the composition of the product is as short as possible. Ideal when chocolate contains cocoa, cocoa butter, natural flavor and some sugar. By the way, the further it is on the list of ingredients, the less manufacturers added it.
Expert Opinion
– It seems to many that sushi and rolls – this is the most dietary product that you can enjoy. But actually it is not. It seems that the simplest Japanese dish contains only rice, cucumber and fish. But it’s not that simple, because the rice that is used for sushi is cooked with a huge amount of sugar in order to be sticky. Also in custom-made sushi and rolls there are sauces and additives, due to which the energy value of the dish reaches 300-400 calories. Therefore, it is difficult to call such food a dietary one.
In general, most people think that any diet can be consumed. rice… But this is not the case. Only wild, dark, unpolished rice is considered dietary.
It is also often said that the best snack on a diet is Nuts… It is true that nuts contain healthy fats, but a snack often turns out to be the destruction of an entire pack. Because of this, it is very difficult to maintain a calorie intake (no more than 10 nuts per day).
Alfiya Tabermakova, Daria Vertinskaya