Foods that lower our mood and make us unhappy
Sometimes the reason for a bad mood lies in our diet. Some products make you sleepy, others don’t want anything at all. And if you slightly adjust the menu, then life suddenly begins to play with new colors.
Recently, European scientists once again upset the sweet tooth. It turned out that white refined sugar not only contributes to obesity, accelerated aging, but even provokes the development of cancer and kills mood in the bud. How so? After all, we have always believed that sweets are most effective at seizing stress! But no: the more sugar, the more difficult it is to concentrate, the more irritable we become, fatigue and a tendency to depression grow. All in all, it’s time to say goodbye to ice cream, donuts and sugary drinks. However, sugar is not the only food that makes us unhappy. We found at least 10 more.
This drink undoubtedly invigorates and gives joy. But is it always? If, say, you drink four or five cups instead of one cup a day (maximum two!), Then the effect will be the opposite. An excess of caffeine causes nervousness, overexcitement, and disrupts sleep patterns. And as a result, we become woefully unhappy.
Sometimes you just want to have breakfast or have a snack with a hot and aromatic bun. It would seem that even the very aroma of freshly baked bread invigorates and fills with energy. But no! Soon after a snack like this, you may feel even less energized than before. The reason is carbohydrates. Sweet baked goods raise your blood sugar, and along with it, it fuels your desire to sleep, be lazy, and do nothing. However, like white bread, as well as other flour products.
White, that is, peeled and polished rice, is refined carbohydrates in almost pure form. The high glycemic index of white rice triggers a hormonal response in the body that makes us feel sad. By the way, potatoes and corn also have a high glycemic index.
Sugar substitutes and sweeteners
Aspartame blocks the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin, the very substance responsible for happiness and joy. The result is mood swings, headaches and insomnia. Better take a closer look at stevia – it is a natural sweetener made from the plant of the same name. There are other analogues, such as agave syrup. But it is quite expensive. Well, leave the diet soda to the enemy.
Both that, and another generally have nothing to do with a healthy diet. But sometimes you want to, right? Keep in mind: The oil used to fry chips and fries is very high in Omega-6 fatty acids. These acids block in the body of their counterparts – Omega-3 acids. But the latter just have the ability to improve mood and help the brain to function normally.
Fast, tasty and budget? May be so. But there is also a downside: minimal satiety, extra calories and, worst of all, addictiveness. After a few months or even weeks of such a “diet”, you simply will not recognize yourself! As a result, the threat of depression and all the ensuing consequences. And the abuse of red meat, that is, eating it more than twice a week, can provoke cancer.
Meat is a source of protein and just a product that the body needs. However, it is worth considering that meat dishes take a long time to digest and belong to heavy food. It is better to avoid meat dishes in the evening, especially if the dinner is late. Otherwise, the next day you will look sleepy, miserable and overwhelmed.
“To drink to love” or on the eve of a holiday – a common thing? Measure is important here. Alcohol is actually a depressant. At first, it invigorates and creates the illusion of endless energy, and the next day, on the contrary, it takes all the strength. Abuse of alcoholic beverages can lead to serious depression and other unfortunate consequences. And treating mental wounds with alcohol is generally pointless: alcoholic beverages aggravate the condition, not improve it.