Foods that cause bloating

And how to cook them to make your life easier.

It happens to everyone: it seems that he ate nothing at all, and his stomach was swollen, that even the trousers did not fit. Often flatulence is one of the symptoms of the disease: dysbiosis, pancreatitis, irritable bowel syndrome and even neurosis. So if bloating is your eternal companion, make an urgent appointment with a gastroenterologist. If the belly swells up from time to time, it is enough to simply reconsider your diet.

First of all, limit your intake of so-called short-chain carbohydrates or FODMAP carbohydrates (English abbreviation for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols – fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols). These carbohydrates are poorly or incompletely absorbed in the small intestine, causing gas and other digestive problems.

Some of the FODMAP carbohydrates can be neutralized, for example, by soaking. Other foods will have to be eliminated from your diet. After all, food should bring pleasure, not suffering.

If you are lactose intolerant, milk and other dairy products are the worst choices for your diet. In this case, even cheese and ice cream can cause bloating.

What to do: choose lactose-free milk and dairy products.

Beans are a source of protein as well as vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Unfortunately, they also contain a type of sugar called alpha-galactoside, which is a short-chain carbohydrate.

What to do: Soak the beans overnight in plain water, and be sure to rinse them before boiling. And here’s another way to mitigate the “gas” threat: the beans need to be boiled, crushed, and then fried again. By the way, our digestive system tolerates some types of legumes much easier. For example, black beans and variegated pinto beans.

Salt alone does not cause bloating. However, a large amount of it retains fluid in the body, and this already has consequences.

What to do: carefully read the composition of the products on the label (sometimes salt is contained where we did not expect) and monitor the amount of salt eaten. It is recommended to consume no more than 2,3 grams per day – this is slightly less than half a teaspoon.

It is not for nothing that there is an expression “beer belly”. Beer is not only a very high-calorie food, but also one of the main causes of bloating. It is made from fermentable carbohydrates such as wheat, rice or corn. Add in the yeast, which is very high in alpha-galactoside (the same one that is also found in beans). And, as a result, we get a double blow to the digestive system.

What to do: there’s nothing you can do about it – you will have to switch to other drinks.

It contains many important minerals such as iron and manganese. It is also an excellent source of protein, which is especially important for vegetarians. However, lentils are high in fiber, which takes a long time to digest and can lead to a known problem.

What to do: soak before drinking. Choose light colored lentils. It is easier to digest than dark.

Such as sorbitol (sorbitol), xylitol (xylitol), mannitol (mannitol) and other sugzams, which are referred to as polyols or “sugar alcohols”. Not absorbed during digestion, they enter the intestines, where they make an excellent food for bacteria, causing gas, bloating, and diarrhea.

What to do: do not exceed the allowable amount of sweetener or switch to stevia.

Carbonated drinks are made from carbon dioxide. So bloating is a logical outcome. Sometimes drinking carbonated water can even end up with severe pain and abdominal cramps.

What to do: if bloating after soda, you will have to switch to tea or water with fruit additives.

It is used in both cooking and medicine. However, garlic contains the polysaccharide fructan, which is also a FODMAP carbohydrate. In addition, there are people with intolerance to garlic – it causes heartburn, gas and bloating.

What to do: fried or boiled garlic is easier to digest. If you have a garlic intolerance, try other herbs and spices like basil, onion, parsley, or lemon pepper.

Wheat is found in most baked goods and pasta. For people who suffer from celiac disease (gluten intolerance), wheat can cause severe abdominal pain, cramps, bloating, gas, and diarrhea. However, the rest should not overeat wheat products either. This cereal is another source of FODMAPS carbs and can therefore cause bloating.

What to do: if you have a gluten intolerance, use almond or coconut flour for baking. And cook buckwheat as a side dish.

One of the most affordable and healthy fruits. Apples contain vitamin C, pectin, an antioxidant, and fiber. Numerous studies confirm that apples reduce the risk of cancer and other serious diseases, improve brain function and prevent aging. Unfortunately, this same fruit can cause bloating. Apples are high in fiber, as well as fructose (another short-chain carbohydrate).

What to do: baked apples are easier to digest than raw apples. Instead of an apple, you can eat banana, citrus, strawberries or blueberries – they don’t have much fiber.

White, colored, Brussels sprouts and broccoli. While kale is very healthy and has even been shown to reduce cancer risk, all cruciferous vegetables contain short-chain carbohydrates that can cause bloating.

What to do: boil, sauté, or grill the cabbage. Raw, this vegetable is more difficult to digest. Alternatively, replace the kale garnish with lettuce, sweet potatoes, zucchini, spinach, or cucumbers.

Rye is actually very nutritious and is an excellent source of copper, B vitamins, fiber and manganese. But like wheat, rye contains gluten and is also loaded with fiber. So with frequent bloating, rye bread and other rye products should be abandoned.

What to do: Try other grains that are less gluten-free. For example, oats, quinoa, or brown rice.

Even in small quantities, onions can seriously “bloat” the stomach, and this is because, like garlic, it contains the polysaccharide fructan, which causes gas.

What to do: boiled or fried onions are easier to digest. But if that doesn’t help, use herbs and spices for the scent.

Another very useful, but rather difficult for digestion cereal. Barley is full of vitamins as well as selenium, manganese and other minerals. It’s also a good source of fiber, which is the problem. For those who are not used to high amounts of fiber, barley can cause bloating. This grain also contains gluten, which can cause digestive upset for people with gluten intolerance.

What to do: replace barley with barley.

Foods high in fat, such as hamburgers, fries, or nuggets, slow down digestion. As a result, stale food has time to ferment, causing gas and bloating.

What to do: avoid fast food – there is definitely nothing useful in it.

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