Some products that we are used to serving as a snack for alcohol are strictly forbidden to combine with it. They interfere with the proper absorption of alcoholic beverages and the further removal of toxins from the body. Do not drink or eat these foods if you are planning an alcohol-related event.
Chocolate combined with alcohol overloads the pancreas, causing severe abdominal pain or cramping. Frequent such use of caffeine with alcohol can lead to pancreatitis.
Aromatic coffee for guests at the end of the evening can also play a cruel joke. The nervous system, relaxed after alcohol, suddenly receives powerful stimulation. At the same time, coffee does not neutralize alcohol, as is commonly believed, but only worsens the state of health, if not immediately, then in the morning for sure.
Salty food
Salt retains water in the body, making you feel thirsty. Not only is liquid alcohol firmly deposited in the body, the dose of drinks is also increased due to the constant desire to drink. A hangover and severe intoxication of the body are guaranteed.
Spicy sauce
Spicy food together with alcohol can burn the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach – heartburn and heaviness in the stomach will appear. In addition, acute poisoning and intoxication in this case cannot be avoided.
A plate of citrus fruits, as well as a lemon with sugar, is a popular snack for alcohol. But citrus fruits contain a lot of acid, which in itself causes digestive problems. Alcohol enters an acidic environment and aggravates digestion problems.
Serving watermelons and melons with alcohol in the summer is an idea that comes to mind for many. But melons and gourds contain a lot of sugar, and therefore poorly absorbed together with alcohol-containing products. Glucose is absorbed first of all and interferes with the elimination of alcohol breakdown toxins. As a result, fermentation in the stomach and intestines.
Desserts with alcohol
Wine with an alcoholic dessert is a frequent combination that actually only enhances the feeling of intoxication. Moreover, for the preparation of sweets, alcohol is often not of the highest quality, which can provoke severe poisoning. An exception is sweets containing milk or fermented milk products, which prevent chemical reactions in the body caused by alcohol.
Fresh tomatoes
Vegetable picnic plate is standard. But it is desirable to exclude tomatoes from vegetable slicing, since in combination with alcohol it will provoke flatulence and impairment of digestion. But tomato juice or canned tomatoes are fine as a snack.
Unlike tomatoes, pickled cucumbers are not suitable as a snack for alcohol. The combination of table vinegar with alcohol causes severe stress in the body. Place cucumbers, eat sauerkraut – it will just help to assimilate the alcohol that has entered the body.
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We will remind, earlier we mentioned about amazing facts about alcohol, and also shared the opinion of the strologers about which alcoholic drinks are preferred by different signs of the zodiac.