Check if your favorites may be among them.
“In general, nutritionists adhere to the“ All or nothing ”rule regarding nutrition – either eat something with a certain regularity, or do not eat it at all for a variety of reasons (harmful, dangerous, can provoke allergies, and so on). However, there are still several products, the intake of which is desirable for everyone, without exception, and not to succumb to temptations more often than once a week. “
It contains a number of substances that affect the liver. With frequent consumption of grapefruit – for example, a trainer prescribed such a diet – this can lead to severe intoxication. Another danger is that citrus acid seriously affects teeth. And if a person takes medications, their effect on the body under the influence of grapefruit characteristics may change. For example, grapefruit reduces the effect of antibiotics, and increases the effect of drugs that lower cholesterol. Plus, grapefruit turns birth control pills into a health hazard. So, if you are taking any medications, it is better to ask your doctor if you can use this fruit.
Anything – beef, pork, lamb and more, even a chicken thigh. It contains a lot of methionine, and its excess can provoke an acceleration of the aging of the body, an increase in cardiovascular diseases and oncology. By the way, scientists are now engaged in a heated debate: are pork and other fatty meats capable of provoking the development of rectal cancer and increase the likelihood of breast cancer. We haven’t come to a final conclusion yet, but it’s better to play it safe.
The liver contains a lot of iron and B vitamins, the kidneys are rich in zinc. Their frequent consumption can also lead to excessive accumulation of this trace element and, consequently, intoxication of the body. In addition, it is worth remembering that the main function of the kidneys and liver is to cleanse the body. Therefore, in them, as in filters, a large amount of harmful substances gradually accumulates. And if for a chicken, for example, liver, this is not so critical – the life of a chicken is short-lived – then in the case of a veal or pork, the situation may be unsafe.
These greens are high in oxalic acid. Therefore, spinach is strictly contraindicated for people with diseases of the kidneys, urinary system, digestive organs, prone to gout. And everyone else is better off eating only young spinach leaves – they contain the least oxalic acid. In addition, it is worth remembering that spinach is only good when freshly cooked. If the dish stands for at least a day, nitrogenous salts are formed in it, which do not affect the body in the best way.
Just one can of this canned fish can contain up to 600 mg of sodium. It can cause hypertension and even strokes. However, like any other canned food. But tuna also contains a lot of mercury. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to eat it for pregnant women and children.