In winter, it is very common to have excess mucus. You can drag this discomfort for several weeks without even knowing what causes the mucus and how to stop it.
Fortunately, we have written for you the causes of excess mucus as well as the natural solutions to make it disappear.
Find out in this article The 17 Foods That Build Mucus & Natural Solutions to process them.
The importance of mucus in the body
The membranes contain mucous glands which secrete mucus.
The latter is none other than the viscous, insoluble and translucent body fluid produced by a sick person through the lungs, throat, sinuses, mouth or nose.
Usually, secretions are made up of protein, water, lipids, electrolytes, and other substances.
Mucus protects you from toxins, bacteria, viruses. It also supports the cells of the respiratory, gastrointestinal, urogenital, ocular and auditory tracts.
Then the mucus helps moisturize the inhaled air. It facilitates the lubrication of the mucus membrane cells.
The mucus also traps inhaled particles. This prevents germs and other unwanted from making their way to the airways and lungs.
The antibodies, enzymes and proteins in mucus allow it to kill pathogens.
For the record, any human body that produces less mucus is generally vulnerable to infections such as bronchitis, sinusitis and others (1).
To read: how to remove phlegm in the throat: natural solutions
Histamine and mucus
Histamine is a natural organic compound. It is present in the immune system. It plays an important role in cases of allergy.
When the immune system feels in danger, in particular by the presence of a foreign body, it will react to defend the organism.
This results in the production of hydrochloric acid for example. In its defense reaction, histamine will promote greater production of mucus.
Causes of mucus
The main cause of phlegm should not be dissociated from the consumption of food, especially a diet rich in starchy foods, bad fats or dairy products.
The level of estrogen during pregnancy of pregnant women also facilitates the production of mucus.
Likewise, certain foods are also a source of mucus. Precisely, we are going to focus more particularly on the link that exists between the excessive production of mucus and diet.
It was demonstrated by a study published in 2011 in the “Journal of Allergy” for example the relationship that links a form of asthma to food enzymes from molds in the manufacture of cheese, baked goods or other processed products including.
To read: Drink alkaline water
The implicated in excess mucus
- Dairy products
- Red meat
- Wheat gluten
- The Rye
- barley
- Fruits and vegetables such as avocado, banana, peanuts,
- The alcohol
- Le sucre
- Sodium
- Fermented foods
- Caffeine
- fizzy drinks
- Smoked fish
- Mackerel, sardines, anchovies,
- Eggs,
- Conservatives,
- Chocolate,
- Corn-based products,
- Fried foods
- Soy products
- Food additives,
This list is not exhaustive. Closely monitor your diet to determine which foods are causing more mucus in you.
The development of mucus can result from inflammation or more accurately from irritation arising from the consumption of unknown ingredients such as food additives.
The two things that come up quite frequently are MSG and sulfites.
Most of the time, they cause, among other things, diarrhea, constipation, cramps, heaviness in the stomach which, prolonging over a long enough period can cause damage to the digestive system (2).

The various solutions against excess mucus
When faced with excess mucus, eat the foods we recommend below. They are healthy and have the advantage of helping the body to develop a better defense against aggression.
Ginger is a natural decongestant, effective in relieving throat and respiratory tract infections.
Your ginger has as an active component gingerol which has antiviral, antimicrobial propertiess.
Onion reduces excess mucus. It is distinguished by its antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties that allow it to speed up healing time.
This spice is an antiseptic useful for eliminating bacteria and strengthening the immune system.
They are vegetables rich in vitamin C, therefore a powerful antioxidant that regulates the immune system and reinforces resistance to infections.
It is your best ally in drinks to fight against the flu, sore throats …
Its antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties, but above all antiseptic, facilitate the rapid fight against infections.
To read: the 21 benefits of honey
Lemon juice
Lemon is also an antibacterial. It is an essential food in the fight against infections of the esophagus and respiratory tract.
It is very often combined with tea for better effects. Lemon through its properties helps you fight infections (3).
The apigenins and flavonoids found in chamomile also help reduce inflammation.
Chamomile can be used as a herbal tea or as an infusion. Chamomile essential oil is also used for inhalations when your airways become blocked.
In case of excess mucus, you can inhale a few drops of chamomile essential oil in a tissue. You can also do steam baths with this oil.
Garlic is used against throat mucus. It is also an effective remedy for excess phlegm.
Consume raw garlic regularly, preferably to benefit from all its properties.
Beyond the main foods that help you fight excess mucus, you have others such as: Licorice root, Mullein leaves, Pickles, celery, radish, asparagus, parsley, winter squash, berries, oranges, olive oil and peppers.
Spicy foods like cayenne pepper and ginger are recommended to loosen mucus.
Likewise, eat a balanced diet, including foods rich in vitamin C to reduce mucus production.
Essential oils
In general, essential oils are effective in treating infections. They are also considered a powerful therapeutic remedy with its antimicrobial properties, to reduce phlegm.
Among the most effective essential oils, we can mention eucalyptus. The essential oil of this plant has antiseptic, antiviral and decongestant properties.
You also have tea tree essential oil which is an antimicrobial, expectorant, and antiseptic.
Other natural solutions
The fight against the development of mucus indeed begins on your daily plate.
This is followed by liver cleansing cures with priority for digestion and sensitization of potential food products.
As a reminder, the liver is the essential element for the management of toxins. Taking chemicals like drugs or medication or drinking alcohol further strengthens his weakness.
This leads you to adhere to a simple, regular and balanced diet to prevent a better digestive system.
Take detoxification cures at least two (2) times a year.
This organ cleansing concerns the liver, kidneys, intestines and blood so that the human body can relieve itself of any clusters of toxins.
Drink plenty of water, at least eight (8) glasses a day with hot teas and good broths keep the airways moist while relieving congestion as much as possible.
Gargling hot water and salt in the morning and at night before bed is also recommended (4).
Besides, nasal irrigations are treated with saline solution to rinse the sinus cavity in order to relieve congestion and infectious pressure.
Also avoid smoke, chemicals and vapors which do not mix well with irritation of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat.
A final point, but not the least, is to take the time to exercise regularly to sweat and release toxins from your body. This also helps to reduce the production of mucus.
Eat in moderation all starchy foods called “sticky” such as cereals, pasta, bread, rusks, couscous, bleached flour or potatoes.
Instead, prefer whole grains such as buckwheat or amaranth as well as whole-grain flours.
Avoid poor quality fatty products such as overheated, refined or hydrogenated.
To read: The guide to treating a stuffy nose
Recipes to fight excess mucus
Anti mucus fruit juice
You will need:
- 1 Cucumber
- 1 celery branch
- 1 small piece of ginger
- 1 lemon
- 1 papaya
- 1 apple
- 1 pear
Clean and cut into pieces your celery, your apple and your pear.
Peel your cucumbers (if they are not organic) and seed them. Put them in big pieces
Instead, I recommend using organic products to take advantage of the nutrients in the peels of cucumbers, pears and apples.
Wash and rid your papaya of its skin. Seed it and put it in slices.
Scratch your ginger finger.
Wash your lemon and collect the juice; reserve it to add it to the fruit and vegetable juice obtained.
Put everything in your juicer or juicer. Hop, let’s go for the juice
If you don’t have a juicer or extractor, use your blender.
You could after grinding the food, strain the juice to get a clear, limpid drink.
It should be remembered that for the juicer, you do not need to peel the food before putting it in. The machine takes care of it all by itself.
In addition, depending on the neck of your juicer, you can put the whole fruit and vegetables in the machine or at most cut them into two pieces. It is therefore a lot of work in less.
Try to drink your juice within an hour to prevent it from oxidizing.

Nutritional value
This juice is made to fight mucus and nasal congestion. It contains lemon and apples which have very high percentages of antioxidants.
- Celery and cucumber are high in fiber and water. They are diuretics. Through their properties, they help to dilute mucus.
Celery is also rich in antioxidants. It is also a green vegetable, therefore rich in chlorophyll. Chlorophyll in food helps trap mucus in the airways.
Cucumber is rich in provitamin A and vitamin C. It is a diuretic like celery. It is also rich in folic acid and chlorophyll.
As a reminder, certain vitamins such as vitamins A, C and E are transformed in the body into antioxidants and make it possible to fight against infections of all kinds.
- Apple and pear are extremely rich in antioxidants and vitamins, minerals, protein.
To reduce mucus, I advise you to regularly use these two combined fruits in your different fruit recipes against mucus. Indeed their combination allows a better action against the mucus.
- Ginger and lemon are recommended in the fight against excess mucus. Indeed they have antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiviral properties.
The vitamin C contained in lemon breaks down into antioxidants which support the immune system.
Ginger is contained in shagaol and gingerol which also have anti-inflammatory effects,
- Papaya helps you fight mucus effectively.
Turmeric Parsley Recipe
You will need:
- A bunch of parsley (5)
- 1 radish
- 1 medium broccoli
- 1 cup of raisins
- 2 oranges
- 1 finger of ginger
- 1 piece of turmeric
Wash your ingredients and peel them if needed.
Cleanse your turmeric and ginger finger.
Put it all in the machine
Nutritional value
- Radish: it is rich in minerals, in particular potassium and copper. It also contains vitamin B6, riboflavin (vitamin B2).
Radish is one of the foods that help decongest the respiratory tract.
It is also rich in fiber and water, folate and antioxidants.
- Broccoli is from the cruciferous family. Crucifers have antibacterial, antimicrobial and, antiviral actions in the body.
In your juice recipes or your dishes against mucus, favor crucifers. Broccoli, like any crucifer, is a great food for fighting and preventing mucus.
It will also help you prevent the onset of cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes. Consume it regularly.
- Grapes are a diuretic. It is also rich in fiber, vitamin A, C, and k. It also contains folate, niacin, riboflavin.
It is full of phytonutrients. For all these reasons, the grape will stimulate the decongestion of your airways.
- Oranges contain a lot of antioxidants. They are also diuretics.
They will help through the water and the fibers they contain to drain the excess mucus and put an end to your discomfort.
- Ginger: in the different recipes against mucus, always remember to add ginger or chili.
The pepper contains capsaicin which helps cure certain pathologies such as flu, mucus, tonsillitis …
Ginger has gingerol and shogaol as active compounds, which give it the power to treat pathologies linked to the respiratory tract (flu, tonsillitis, mucus, etc.)
We notice through this article that excess mucus is caused by our diet. Now eat more of the foods that promote better health.
You’ve probably noticed that a lot of the mucus-causing foods are manufactured and fatty foods.
Eat fresh, healthy foods; and especially a lot of fruits and vegetables. Include them little by little in your diet to avoid the disgust of certain foods such as broccoli.
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