Foods High in the Right Carbohydrates
Even on a low-carb diet, you cannot completely deprive yourself of these substances – they provide us with energy and good mood.
Normally, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be 20/30/50. It turns out that the ideal diet consists of about half of carbohydrates – of course, healthy ones. We’ve put together a list of healthy and healthy foods that are high in carbohydrates.
Sweet potato
He’s a sweet potato. In our latitudes, this vegetable is still exotic. But in the west they have long been accustomed to it and do with it everything the same as we do with ordinary potatoes: they bake it, pound it in mashed potatoes, put it in the filling of pies, etc. Sweet potato is a little sweeter than ordinary potatoes, and the glycemic index he has below. It has antioxidant and anticancer properties and is also generous with vitamins A, C and potassium.
It can be eaten in any form: boiled, baked, stewed, or even raw. Beets are rich in potassium, sodium, folic acid, vitamin A, and calcium. This root vegetable is very beneficial for the heart, liver, circulatory system. And the salad with raw beets works like a brush in the intestines, cleansing the body of everything that weighs on it.
It is considered a heavy food, but the main thing here is not to overeat. Corn does contain quite a lot of sugar, high in calories, it does not have such a small glycemic index. At the same time, corn is quite high in protein and vitamin C. It also has the ability to regulate blood pressure and blood sugar levels. You can even lose weight on it – if you know how to use it correctly.
When this pseudo-grain appeared in our stores, it was a sensation – everyone believed in its usefulness, and for good reason. True, utility comes at a cost. In addition to carbohydrates, quinoa contains quite a lot of protein and various trace elements: magnesium, potassium, phosphorus. Thanks to its fiber-rich composition, quinoa helps you lose weight and has a bonus in regulating blood sugar levels.
Oat groats
Not instant oatmeal from packs, not oatmeal, but oatmeal is an excellent source of slow and healthy carbohydrates. Nutritionists even call oatmeal one of the healthiest and healthiest foods. In addition to carbohydrates, cereals contain protein and fiber. Oatmeal also helps lower blood sugar and cholesterol.
Our native cereal, which has just been tasted in the West and marveled at its useful properties. After all, there is more protein, fiber, and antioxidants with minerals than in other cereals. Buckwheat is good for heart health and helps control blood sugar levels. And great for diet food and fasting days.
Fitness fans are wary of bananas – they still contain a lot of sugar and starch. But here the recipe is simple: you need to eat not the most ripe bananas. The higher the maturity level, the more sugar there is in the fruit and the higher its glycemic index. In general, bananas are very good for the heart due to their high potassium content. In addition, they contain vitamins A, B6 and C.
One of the few fruits that fitness trainers have nothing against. True, those who are losing weight are allowed to eat a maximum of two apples a day. Better yet, one apple and one grapefruit. However, even one thing is better than nothing: fiber, vitamins, antioxidants will still get you in full.
Mango is best for breakfast: the fruit is still very sweet, and it gives a lot of energy. We must have time to use it up in the morning. Mangoes are advised to be added to smoothies, yoghurts and cottage cheese – you get a great aromatic breakfast rich in vitamins A and C, potassium and fiber.
Dried fruits
It is best to choose the most unsympathetic, wrinkled dates. Those that look nice and smooth are soaked in sugar syrup and then dried. There is some benefit in them, but the harm is perhaps even greater. Ordinary dried dates are rich in fiber, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and vitamin A. But you shouldn’t go through with them – 5-6 pieces a day.
It is good to add it to morning porridge or eat one or two berries for a snack. Prunes have a beneficial effect on the activity of the digestive tract, contain many vitamins and minerals. And in order to get the maximum taste from dried fruits, it is better to pour boiling water over them for 7-10 minutes.
Goji berries
They are called superfoods due to their high amount of antioxidants. In addition, goji berries were believed to have fat burning properties. This is doubtful, but in terms of the amount of carbohydrates and substances that fight premature aging and free radicals, goji berries are real champions.