Foods harmful to women’s health, list

Experts from two universities – Iowa and Washington – decided to investigate how fried food affects women over 50. They analyzed the lifestyle and health status of 100 thousand women aged 50 to 79 years, observations lasted for several years. During this time, 31 women have died. More than 588 thousand of them died from heart problems, another 9 thousand from cancer. It turned out that the risk of early death was associated with the daily consumption of fried foods: potatoes, chicken, fish. Even one serving a day increased the likelihood of premature death by 8-12 percent.

Younger women were not included in the sample. But surely, fried food affects them in a similar way. It is not without reason that cardiovascular diseases remain one of the main causes of early death.

“When frying, especially in oil that is not used for the first time, carcinogenic polycyclic hydrocarbons are formed in the product. And long-term use of such products can cause malignant tumors, ”adds oncologist-endocrinologist Maria Kosheleva.

“Changing the way you cook is one of the easiest ways to extend your life,” the experts conclude, with which I don’t even want to argue.

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