And it’s not just chicken and eggs …
Salmonella loves pretty much the same food that we do, and they keep well in it. These bacteria are insidious in that, multiplying in products, they do not change either their appearance or taste. But the symptoms of this disease are not pleasant: high fever, lethargy, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. To protect yourself and your family from salmonellosis, you should be more careful about shopping in the market and in the store. What products are at risk, because of which you can suffer, said the infectious disease doctor Elena Sharova.
Chicken is not only a healthy dietary product, it can also cause salmonellosis infection. Salmonella lives side by side with chicken all its life. But for a bird it is harmless, but for a person it is very dangerous. Therefore, in order to eat barbecue wings, grilled chicken and not get infected, you need to make sure that the poultry is well done, especially near the bones. And remember that not only chicken is a carrier of harmful bacteria, they are also found in pork, beef, and lamb. The increased focus on chicken due to the more frequent purchases and some of the salmonella bacteria found only in poultry can be fatal.
Milk and dairy products are in second place after meat for salmonella contamination. If you still think when buying fresh milk from your grandmother in the market that milk is the healthiest and you are not risking anything, then you are doing it in vain. Did you buy the coveted milk from the cow? When you come home, be sure to boil it! Doctors are categorically against the use of a raw, thermally unprocessed drink. Also avoid products made from raw milk: cottage cheese, sour cream, homemade cheese, yogurt, etc. It is better to always adhere to the golden rule: drink only boiled or store-bought pasteurized milk!
Do you like eggnog or drink raw eggs “for the voice”? Be aware that Salmonella bacteria that have settled on the surface of the egg can penetrate through the shell within 5 hours, and then the one who ate such a product will not be at all up to songs. Therefore, there is only one verdict – the eggs need to be boiled, fried well, so that neither the white nor the yolk remain liquid. Unfortunately, fried eggs and soft-boiled eggs cannot save you from contracting salmonellosis. If you want this insidious disease to bypass you, never buy eggs with cracked shells, and wash them with warm water and laundry soap before use.
Many housewives, wishing to save time, increasingly buy in supermarkets not only semi-finished products, but also already washed and sliced salad mixes, ready to eat. But it turns out that they are at great risk. So, scientists from the University of Leicester have proved that if the salad is sliced, and at the same time the greens were already infected with salmonella, then the bacteria multiply several thousand times faster with the help of the juice secreted by the plants and at the same time form a kind of biofilm. This film covers the entire package from the inside, in which the greens are stored, and such a salad should certainly not be eaten. Therefore, it is better to buy greens in bunches and cut them at home. Lovers of ready-made mixtures can only rely on the decency of the suppliers of greens, who must carefully monitor the quality of their products.
If you love rolls, sushi, do not forget that you are not in Japan, where you can buy fresh, just caught fish. Eating raw fish in Russia is like playing Russian roulette. After all, by standards, fresh or lightly salted salmon can only be stored for 12 hours! Are you sure that these conditions are met in supermarkets? Then there is no need to risk. Remember: Salmonella is resistant to salting and smoking. To avoid contamination, eat only heat-treated fish, do not buy salted, smoked fish in markets with questionable storage and sale conditions, as well as damaged canned food.
If everyone at home carefully monitors the quality of drinking water, then, while on vacation, many relax, and after all, you can’t lose vigilance. Remember, no matter how thirsty you are, never consume raw water from springs, wells and other unverified sources. Take care of your bottled water supply in advance. Also, don’t be tempted to quench your thirst with ice-cubed drinks. Who knows, maybe this is frozen tap water, and Salmonella is very fond of low temperatures and retains its viability in the freezer for up to 6 months. So drink only bottled water or boiled water – then you can definitely avoid many health problems.
Vegetables and fruits can become not only a source of vitamins and minerals, but also the cause of salmonellosis infection. Never eat unwashed vegetables, fruits or berries, even if the products are grown with your own hands in your favorite summer cottage. And don’t even try to taste them on the market! When slicing salads, use only well-washed food, as well as separate boards and knives that have never come into contact with raw foods such as meat and fish. Take note of this: Always use a different board for cutting raw meat, fish, and non-processed foods. After cooking, be sure to treat the surfaces with boiling water.
Salmonella are very fond of confectionery – cakes, pastries with cream filling, as well as mayonnaise, which cooks generously use in ready-made salads by weight or sandwiches. In the heat, it is enough to eat one serving of low-quality ice cream to sleep with fever and abdominal pain. In case of non-observance of production technology, the rules of commodity neighborhood (when ready-to-eat products are adjacent to raw or semi-finished products) or storage, goodies turn into poison. Therefore, if you value your own health and your loved ones, it is better to refuse to buy such products in kiosks and stalls that do not inspire confidence, and please your household with a homemade dinner.