We are well into the XNUMXst century and we are not yet able to put in common the concept of taste for food, or the ability and knowledge of it.
For decades, we recognized individuals with refined tastes as Gourmets o Sibaritas, which stand out for having a very high degree of knowledge regarding taste in food and beverages.
Another thing is the French word Gourmand, which designates the person who appreciates and enjoys good delicacies, without crediting their special knowledge about them, so we should not treat them in the same line.
Today being a Gourmand is popularly known as Foodie, but this new distinction or lifestyle that is so fashionable, needs the accreditation of certain habits and knowledge.
It is not only worth wanting to eat well and enjoy it, we need it to be noticed in the environment, and I mean well, communication, analysis and dissemination …
How do you cultivate being a good Foodie or Gourmand?
Being a foodie is highly sophisticated and expensive, but as the saying goes, “Scabies with pleasure does not itch…”
The first key that we must highlight in the concept, and above all the aptitudes of a good foodie, is the constant objective of demonstrating it, pretending it and practicing it continuously.
There are very modern postulates to prove it, but its source of inspiration is not so avant-garde, the lines of the manuscripts of writers like the American Mary Frances Kennedy Fisher, they revolutionized the way of understanding cuisine and food, and that we date it in the 40’s, without having to be a clear flag of modernity.
So not everything is so novel although it is creating a trend, we still put in value, many of the postulates that Brillat-Savarin brilliantly exposed us in taste physiology, of nothing less than 1825, which we already mentioned in the recent article of the sensory analysis to enjoy at the table of last month.
The Vintage returns, and it is to stay in a clear fusion of traditional concepts, together with the highest culinary preparation, which has made us continue to enjoy the greatest gastronomic pleasures of memory in our minds, now in clear taste or visual transformations, that have been unleashed until deconstruction.
Products infused with pleasant memories in the nose, have advanced to the famous foams of the master Adriá, who revolutionized culinary concepts at the end of the last century.
Without eating or drinking it, stand out in the Foodie World, has accredited numerous concepts of the elaboration and even in its case, the control of the chemical formulation and the physics of the fluids, what a fabric! I say and exclaim, so as not to paraphrase the former minister and former president of the congress, Mr. Federico Trillo, in that famous open-microphone reflection, remembering the fruit of the reproduction of oviparous animals …
It is a fact, the incessant evolutions in food and culinary preparation have made it necessary to know in order to taste. Which when one was a Gourmand was not essential, so we also began to distinguish a clear differentiation between the two qualifiers, not being so equal in their definition
Is it necessary to be so cultured to be able to enjoy food?
Clearly my opinion is that no, that’s why I see it almost necessary to be able to differentiate this neo-concept of Foodie of the traditional of Gourmand, that surely many lovers of cuisine and gastronomy will support. You live more at ease enjoying without knowing, than knowing and categorizing everything you put into your mouth. Or not?
Surely many of us come to mind how well it was lived in the 70’s or 80’s when the telephones were only in the house and with cable, some even came from the living room to the kitchen, but it did not happen to none of them penetrate the lintel of the entrance door.
Now they live with us, they eat with us, they portray what we order in a restaurant and it is also the cause that we immortalize everything, to share it with our cloud of friends and followers. We have really advanced, but before things were enjoyed more …
As a culmination, let’s leave these questions open so that every gastronomy lover can portray themselves as a gourmet autentico o a moderno foodie.
- Is it necessary to drink Vermouth to enjoy an aperitif?
- Is it essential to have a beard and dress in fashion to enjoy food?
- In the case of women, do we really have to know about wines to know what we like?
- Do you have to be an expert in gastronomy and nutrition to enjoy what the body asks of us at all times?
Another thing is that health, the moment, or the one available in the boldsillo, allows us, advises or prohibits depending on our state, but even grilled food can have glamor if it is done with love, attitude and above all sense of humor.
Long live the Gourmand!