Food to get back to last year’s weight, healthy food without fat or sugar!

Food to get back to last year’s weight, healthy food without fat or sugar!

Christmas gastronomy does not help at all to maintain the line, and many times it is necessary to reorganize our diet to get back in top shape.

Surely, if you are already aware of the list of resolutions for this new year, it is very likely that among them, there is the goal of losing weight and trying to have a healthier diet. For this reason, below we will refer to those foods that will help us reach our ideal weight.

It is no secret to anyone that eating foods high in fat cause different damages to our body: they increase cholesterol, the risk of suffering from cardiovascular and kidney diseases, increase the possibility of having cancer, damage the liver, among other problems.

The same happens with foods that contain high levels of sugars. These cause numerous ailments, among the most typical heartburn, digestive problems and diabetes. In fact, medical studies have shown that the high consumption of sugars in our daily diet generates resistance to the hormone that controls appetite, so that hunger is lost.

What foods should we eat to be healthy and regain our figure?

We are aware that radically changing habits is very complicated and you have to have a lot of willpower to achieve it, however, variations can be introduced in each meal that can greatly benefit us, both our figure and our health.

 Some foods that we recommend are the following:

  • El Red tuna, belonging to the blue fish family. It is rich in omega 3 and polyunsaturated fatty acids that prevent cardiovascular problems, reducing triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood. Also, it contains numerous vitamins, including E, which is a great antioxidant.
  • ¡Nuts! Walnuts, almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts and peanuts. Like bluefin tuna, nuts are foods that help prevent cardiovascular disease. They also lower cholesterol and also contain antioxidant properties. Always look for them in their natural state, that is, they are not fried and do not contain salt.
  • Extra virgin olive oil. It is a highly recommended product to lose weight, because it provides a feeling of satiety. In addition, it is a source of healthy fat, as it contains nutrients, antioxidants and helps rejuvenation.
  • Green leafy vegetables, such as spinach. These foods are highly recommended to include in your meals, as they have numerous properties that can benefit your health, especially if you steam them. In this case, spinach is a source of vitamins, calcium, potassium and also helps prevent type 2 diabetes.
  • Another perfect food to include in salads or smoothies is avocado, originally from Mexico and the northern part of South America. Interestingly, avocado is a fruit, although the opposite is commonly thought, and as a fruit, it is one of those that contains the most proteins, in addition to having around 17 vitamins and minerals.
  • Companies that fruits They are the healthiest option you can count on for a snack and breakfast, for example, and combat anxiety. One of the most recommended are apples, in fact they are considered the “miracle fruit” for their immense benefits. Strawberries, oranges, blueberries and kiwis are also not far behind, and the best thing is that you will never get bored of eating them because you can take them in their natural state or in juice.

As is evident, a good diet is essential and knowing the right foods to do so, it is very simple! You just need willpower and the desire to follow a healthy diet every day.

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