Food that attracts money

If you learn to accept the world not as an accumulation of purely material things and believe in the existence of a special energy that invisibly controls all the processes of being, life can become much more interesting. Or maybe it was not in vain that in ancient times people gave sacred meaning to various foods and attributed to some products and dishes the ability to bring wealth and good luck? Let’s try to compose our own “cash” diet to attract financial flows into our lives.

Perhaps this is the absolute leader in the ranking of food, symbolizing wealth among the Slavic and many other peoples with ancient traditions of baking. Hence – the mass of proverbs, sayings, traditions, beliefs, a whole cultural layer. It is not for nothing that the young at the wedding are offered a loaf – bread symbolizing everything at once: the future material prosperity of the family, the integrity of their union, the sun flooding the fields with new and new golden ears.

Comparison of ripe ears of grain with gold is also not accidental. An abundance of bread promises a well-fed, free life. Bread is life itself. Our entire speech is saturated with “bread” comparisons and symbols: “The king does not refuse bread and salt,” to earn bread, “don’t open your mouth to someone else’s loaf,” “you cannot lure with a roll,” and so on. Baking yourself, treating guests and eating round golden loaves yourself – this is money!

“Potatoes are the second bread!” – teaches folk wisdom. In order for you, distant descendants, to draw the right conclusions, respect for a nourishing root vegetable was imprinted in the speech: “Potatoes, pexis – money, appear!”

Many people think that the attribution of wonderful enriching energy to potatoes originated in Belarus. We do not confirm or deny this. A rich harvest of potatoes cannot but rejoice. And fathers are full, and the bins are full.

“A man with honey and bast shoes ate” – swears a Russian proverb. As was the case for people living many, many centuries ago, not to deify this gift of nature, so golden, sweet, fragrant, viscous. As soon as people tasted honey and watched the life of bees, the golden delicacy turned into a symbol of the sweet fruits of hard work.

Probably, there is no such people in the world who would not associate honey with a rich, pleasant life full of pleasure.

In Russia, for a long time, black loose poppy seeds symbolized money. Poppy, along with nuts, dried fruits and honey, was necessarily added to Christmas kutya, a traditional festive dish. And it was wealth, material abundance that he represented in this recipe.

The apple tree, inviting everyone to taste a ripe apple, often appears in Russian folk tales for a reason. It is a symbol of eternal femininity, care, guardianship, generosity. The apple tree not only bears fruit, it will give birth.

The southern Slavs, who understood the importance of the abundance of apple orchards, had many rituals and traditions associated with the fruits, branches and flowers of the apple tree. Basically, they are all related to weddings, matchmaking. The apple has become a symbol of a strong marriage, tender love, healthy children. In a house where apples are not translated, prosperity always reigns.

The expression “chop cabbage” in the meaning of “making money” should have alerted us right away! Popular rumor will not just say so. You should pay attention to all varieties of cabbage – white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kohlrabi.

Beliefs claim that this vegetable literally radiates “monetary” energy. This is the abundance of leaves, the density of juicy inflorescences, this unique set of vitamins and minerals … The benefits of cabbage can be proved even logically: whoever eats a lot of fresh seasonal vegetables takes care of his health and lives for a long time; he who is healthy works well; and a long-liver is sure to live up to retirement in spite of an increase in the retirement age. Voila. Q.E.D.

Armenians, Turks, Greeks, Chinese and many, many other peoples have a sincere reverence for the pomegranate. The image of a fruit with ruby ​​seeds can be seen in various paintings, frescoes, mosaics of many cultural centers of the world.

In China, the fruit stuffed with sweet rubies is revered as the first and foremost symbol of abundance and a happy future. In the Qur’an, the main book of Muslims, pomegranates are mentioned when describing the Gardens of Eden. Christians consider pomegranate a symbol of eternal life, immortality.

Pomegranate fruits with scarlet seeds peeping out of it can be seen in the hands of the baby Jesus and the Virgin Mary on the canvases of the Renaissance.

A grain of beans in your wallet will take up very little space, and will save money. They say that this bean protects against wallet theft and does not allow the owner to squander money on nonsense.

In the countries of South America, in the Apennines and in other countries where many legumes are eaten, these hearty grains are considered a symbol of abundance, fertility, and success. Not a single festive table in such countries is complete without dishes of beans or lentils.

Rice is the same bread, only in Asian countries. In other times, among the peoples of Asia, rice performed the direct function of money – goods and services were exchanged for it. Buddha himself is considered the patron saint of rice. This cereal belongs to the sign “yang” and the element of air. Asians believe that rice has a soul and loves to be treated with respect. Sprinkling rice grains on newlyweds means to wish them wealth and fertility.

Spices have also long been considered carriers of enriching energy, probably because of their ability to invigorate the human taste buds.

Rosemary, for example, haunted magicians and wizards for a long time. This herb is called “a remedy for laziness”, it is believed that rosemary clarifies thoughts, cures apathy, increases the overall tone of the body, makes a person brave and active. It is no wonder that with such a mindset, a rosemary lover sooner or later begins to make good money and invest talentedly.

Moreover, any food can be made “money-making” if it is prepared with thoughts and dreams of your future prosperity. Knead the dough, grate the carrots, chop the greens, simmer the meat and visualize, visualize!

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