Food stabilizers and thickeners

The times when food did not contain any “chemistry” seem to be forever in the past. Today, almost all food bought in supermarkets contains preservatives, dyes, thickeners and other ingredients.

But at the same time, people are increasingly paying attention to the chemical composition of what they eat, and they want to learn as much as possible about substances marked with the letter “E”.

Thickeners and stabilizers: what you need to know about them

It is difficult to imagine the modern food industry without stabilizers and thickeners. It is these substances that are used to give and then maintain the desired consistency of the product. They are also responsible for ensuring that the food does not lose its appetizing appearance and aroma for as long as possible.

The additives known as thickeners consist of two types of “E”: thickeners proper and gelling agents, which have very similar properties in many ways. They are used when it is necessary to change the texture and consistency of the product. Thickeners are widely used in the meat processing industry, in the production of dairy products, desserts, confectionery, all kinds of sauces and instant soups.

The function of stabilizers is primarily to kill bacteria that can affect the taste, color and texture of the finished product. Substances of this group are contained in almost all modern sausages, frankfurters, meat semi-finished products. They are added to sauces, jams, confectionery, condensed milk, dry soups, and are also used in bakery and dairy production. Stabilizers and thickeners in the list of food additives have quite a lot of positions. In particular, they are designated by indices 249-252, 400-476, 575-585, 1404-1450.

What are the

Like most other food additives, stabilizers and thickeners can be natural or synthetic.

Natural supplements are made from fruits, vegetables, seaweed, and even plant resin. The most popular natural stabilizers are pectins, carrageenans and gums.

Pectin (E440) is obtained from apples, citrus fruits, beets, sunflower baskets. He is responsible for maintaining the viscosity and the necessary consistency of the finished product.

Marmalades, jellies, jams get their characteristic texture due to the gelling properties of pectin.

Carrageenan (E407), derived from seaweed, has gelling properties. With the help of this substance, a creamy consistency of ice cream is achieved. It is also added to sausages, fish, dairy and all kinds of confectionery products.

The gums used in the food industry are also able to change the degree of viscosity of the product. Commercial foods most often contain stabilizers made from locust bean gum (E410), guar (E412), gellan (E418) or xanthan gum (E415).

In addition to natural thickeners, the food industry often uses their synthetic and semi-synthetic counterparts, which make it possible to reduce the cost of production. These E include glycerin (E422), methylcellulose (E461), ethylcellulose (E462) and many others. Experts still continue to study the effect of these substances on the human body.

Are they dangerous

The information that some “eats” are of natural origin is perceived by many consumers as good news: if they are natural, then they are harmless. In fact, everything is not so rosy. Even E-substances of natural origin can be quite dangerous. What then to say about synthetic stabilizers and thickeners!

The main danger of stabilizers is that, as a rule, they contain nitrates and nitrates. But even these substances are not the most dangerous for humans, but those that are formed from them already inside the body.

We are talking about nitrosamines. They, according to researchers, significantly increase the risk of developing malignant neoplasms. In addition, it has been proven that stabilizers adversely affect the digestion of food, and also significantly reduce the body’s immune abilities, making it practically defenseless against various kinds of bacteria.

Thickeners are no less dangerous for us. These additives do not have the best effect on the kidneys, liver and organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Even naturally occurring thickeners can interfere with digestion and interfere with protein absorption. The same carraganine, with regular use, can disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, cause ulcers or even cancer. Although there is another opinion about the additive E407. Some scientists are convinced that this substance removes salts of heavy metals from the body, has antiviral and antimicrobial effects.

Poor effect on the condition of the stomach and locust bean gum. For people with diseases of the digestive system, it is more correct to refuse products containing this “yoke”. The same can be said about the additive E481 (sodium lactate).

Fans of products containing stabilizer E450 (pyrophosphate) may eventually join the ranks of patients suffering from osteoporosis. The fact is that this substance impairs the absorption of calcium, thereby disrupting the calcium-phosphorus balance in the body. In addition, according to some reports, this substance has carcinogenic properties and leads to an increase in cholesterol. Products with E466 (mayonnaise, salad dressings, creams, sauces, puddings, confectionery fillers) can not only cause serious stomach diseases, but also cancer. But the stabilizer E471, which is also an emulsifier, is generally considered harmless to humans. But if you regularly abuse food containing this supplement, unpleasant side effects are quite possible.

Nowadays, in the food departments you can find almost everything for every taste and budget. Beautiful packaging, mind-blowing aromas and impeccable appearance of products attract buyers, the hand itself reaches for the shelf with delicious more and more. But before putting a treat in the basket, very few of us look at its ingredient list. But in vain! Maybe, apart from “E”, it does not contain anything else?

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