Food is in the throat, the sensation of food in the throat
Feeling like food is in your throat is common. It seems to us that a lump is stuck in the region of the pharynx or upper esophagus, which cannot be swallowed. In this case, an unpleasant symptom of a lump in the throat occurs both after a stressful situation, and suddenly, for no apparent reason. What is the real problem and how to fix it?
Is food in your throat? See a doctor immediately!
Feeling like food is in your throat: possible causes
The feeling of a lump in the throat is not always provoked by stuck food: sometimes the sensation of a foreign body occurs due to hypertrophy of organs located in the larynx region, or for other reasons.
A similar symptom in most cases is a signal of existing diseases:
chronic neurosis;
endemic or nodular goiter;
tumors of the larynx or esophagus;
dysphagia – disorders of the swallowing function.
Also, do not discount the common gastric dysfunction, in which its contents spontaneously back up into the esophagus. In some cases, heartburn that reaches the oropharynx can create the illusion of a lump in the throat.
Food is lumpy in the throat: what to do?
When the feeling of a lump in your throat becomes regular, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor.
To identify the root cause of the symptom, you will have to visit several specialists at once and act by exclusion
Start by visiting a gastroenterologist and undergoing EGD. After examining the oropharynx, esophagus and stomach from the inside, it will become clear in what condition the digestive organs are and how well they are coping with their functions. If no esophageal or stomach diseases are found, proceed to the next step.
Consult an endocrinologist and undergo an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, as well as get tested for thyroid hormones. Usually at this stage it becomes clear why food is in the throat after eating: according to WHO statistics, more than 665 million people in the world suffer from endemic goiter, which tends to squeeze the larynx region.
If ultrasound of the thyroid gland does not reveal pathologies of the organ, refer to the ENT and consult: maybe you have tonsillitis.
The final stage of diagnosis is a visit to a neurologist. Stress and chronic neuroses may well be the source of the problem.
After identifying the real cause, it is easier to eliminate the feeling of a lump in the throat. The specializing doctor will prescribe treatment for the identified disease, and at the stage of remission, difficulties with swallowing will completely disappear.
Also interesting to read: medicated pads.
Physician-therapist, author of the book “Nobody but you”, an expert on Channel One, channel “Russia 24”
– The thyroid gland, the main supplier of hormones, one of the main regulators of metabolism, even in healthy people in the off-season can fail. And this affects the nervous system: constant fatigue, loss of strength and mood, insomnia, absent-mindedness, headaches appear. Many return from a vacation at sea, where the body is used to receiving iodine in sufficient quantities, and now it is deprived of this, which also affects the thyroid gland.
To feel good, you need to take preparations with iodine or include salt enriched with this element in the diet. Use it only for ready meals, salads or pickles. Salt the dish directly on the plate, as iodine evaporates during heat treatment.