Food intolerances – more often than we think
FAGRON CARE The material was created in cooperation with a partner

Anna Marciniec talks to Dr. Hanna Stolińska

Doctor, how can the topic of food intolerance be important to most of us?

We are constantly looking for the best nutrition model. We use a variety of diets to reduce weight and improve our health. We often blame individual foods for failure to achieve a dream figure, lipid disorders, autoimmune problems, and skin problems. The fashion for looking for food intolerances has been going on for many years. But we are constantly lost in how to properly diagnose them and implement them.

The three most common food intolerances are lactose, the sugar found in milk, casein (the protein found in milk), and gluten, a protein found in grains such as wheat, rye and barley. In addition, there are product groups with which some of us are less successful. There are people among us who have problems digesting starch – for these people, restricting the potato diet works wonders. Some – which may be surprising – are not good for olive oil – even though the product is considered very healthy by most patients.

What is food intolerance?

If our body lacks an enzyme that digests a given ingredient (eg lactose or gluten), this ingredient cannot be properly metabolized, it circulates in our body in the form of “cigarette butts” and poisons us. The effect may be states of chronic fatigue, weakness, trouble sleeping, etc. If we continue to supply ourselves with a given ingredient in the diet, the intoxication of the body slowly progresses.

In addition, people with food intolerances tend to experience: abdominal pain, flatulence, wind and / or diarrhea, skin rashes and itching.

What tests do we most often perform?

Unfortunately, these… unreliable.

As IgG blood tests have not been proven to identify food hypersensitivity or allergies, there is no evidence to support changes based on these results. The limitations suggested by the IgG test results can lead to unnecessary avoidance of healthy foods and the occurrence of nutritional deficiencies, and consequently even greater health problems.

What’s the best way to approach this individually?

I recommend examining your genes carefully. The genetic test is a comprehensive food sensitivity test.

If you think you have a food sensitivity or have unexplained symptoms, a food sensitivity test may eventually help you get an answer.

By performing a DNA test, you can check your body’s sensitivity to foods and how your genetic predisposition affects your ability to digest certain foods.

By using this information, you can adjust your diet and lead a healthier lifestyle.

Additionally, genetic testing helps to better understand each person’s individual genetic response to a particular lifestyle, which includes diet, exercise, and the need for supplementation. Based on the results, the dietitian allows you to choose the appropriate dietary and lifestyle recommendations.

Can intolerances have a long-term effect on our body?

Food sensitivity and food allergies do not directly cause weight gain. However, symptoms can sometimes trigger a domino effect that indirectly leads to weight gain. Genetic factors account for 40% to 80% of the body weight difference. Thanks to the analysis of nutrients, we can identify the specific needs of each person and, with the help of appropriate measures, develop a nutritional plan that will lead to optimal nutrient intake and maintenance of a healthy body weight.

What exactly is it about?

Food sensitivity can cause inflammation that leads to the development of numerous diseases. Genetic variants that are involved in major metabolic processes can play a significant role in maintaining good health and fitness. The genetic test shows a predisposition to the development of diseases such as insulin resistance, diabetes or lipid disorders. The test is also worth doing if you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, joint diseases, and skin problems. I also recommend it to healthy people.


It is worth finding out how we digest individual nutrients, what is the risk of diseases and nutritional deficiencies. With such knowledge, we will take better care of prophylaxis and we will enjoy full health longer. It is widely known that one of the main steps in overcoming some of the most common diseases is to take appropriate preventive measures. The increased risk of developing genetic diseases can be significantly reduced if the necessary precautions are taken. These include both active lifestyle changes, frequent screening, and early diagnosis, which can increase the success rate of treatment.

What are your personal experiences with genetic testing?

Personally, I have a very good experience with the NutriGen test, this test gives a very comprehensive picture of the patient’s genetic predisposition and limitations, so you can really help, improve something in the diet. Personally, I have already performed this test on over 100 patients and I am very pleased that such a good diagnostic tool exists. The test is performed once in a lifetime. It is a kind of shortcut to developing an individual nutrition model.

More details on and Social media: @genetykadladietetyka

FAGRON CARE The material was created in cooperation with a partner

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