Food for the bones

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We can eat anything, but not every product will help us fight the disease. That is why it is worth knowing what nutrients the daily menu should contain.

A properly selected menu plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. It must contain products that provide the nutrients necessary for good bone health. These ingredients include calcium, vitamin D and vitamin K.

Calcium – the most important

This mineral is the basic building block of bone. It gives them hardness and durability. The basic source of calcium for humans are dairy products. The most of this element is contained in rennet and processed cheeses, but the high fat content (up to 50% of dry matter) significantly limits their consumption. Much less calcium is found in cottage cheese, and similar amounts of calcium are found in milk and milk drinks. People who have gastric problems after consuming milk (lactose intolerance) can drink fermented milk drinks – yogurt, kefir, curdled milk. People who are allergic to cow’s milk protein can consume goat’s milk and its products. It is worth adding that hard goat cheeses contain the most calcium of all dairy products. Sheep’s milk is also richer in calcium than cow’s milk.

What should I recommend to those who cannot consume milk and dairy products at all? Are there any other foods that contain calcium? – Fish that are eaten with bones are characterized by a high content of calcium, e.g. sardines and sprats.

Dry soybeans and beans, as well as tofu cheese, also contain a lot of calcium. The content of calcium in this soy-milk cottage cheese is similar to that of processed and goat cheeses.

Some vegetables also contain greater amounts of calcium – kale, chives, cabbage, parsley, dill and Brussels sprouts, broccoli and green beans. Calcium is also found in nuts – hazelnuts have the most of it. Some dried fruits – figs, apricots, raisins – also contain a lot of this ingredient. The products with the highest calcium content include poppy seeds (approx. 1300 mg / 100 g).

Medonet Market offers a dietary supplement with calcium and vitamin D in tablets. Calcium citrate was used in the preparation. In order for calcium to be deposited in the bones, and not in the blood vessels, it needs vitamin K, so it is worth buying the Vitamin K2Mk-7 SOLHERBS dietary supplement, which is available in easily digestible pullulan capsules.

Vitamin D – necessary

Vitamin D is necessary to maintain healthy bones. It plays an important role in the management of calcium in the body, because it increases the degree of absorption of this element from food, thus maintaining its proper level in the blood. In addition, it causes more calcium to be excreted in the urine. It can also directly affect the condition of the bones, as it is essential for incorporating calcium into their structure.

To ensure that your body does not lack vitamin D, you need to be in the sun often. A natural source of vitamin D is its synthesis in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation contained in sunlight. In young and healthy adults, the amount of vitamin D produced during this process is usually sufficient, however, after the age of 60, especially in those at risk of osteoporosis or suffering from it, the demand for it exceeds the possibilities of natural synthesis. Unfortunately, vitamin D is only found in a handful of foods, and generally in small amounts. Therefore, the menu should include fatty sea fish, preferably smoked – herring, mackerel, eel, salmon or sardines. An exceptionally abundant source of vitamin D is halibut or cod liver oil, i.e. fish oil. Egg yolks, liver and butter also provide a lot of vitamin D. However, one should bear in mind the cholesterol content and the reservations of cardiologists. On the other hand, margarines are artificially enriched with vitamin D, but similar trials with milk, conducted mainly in the USA, have not been successful.

Check the levels of calcium and vitamin D in your body. Get a blood test package Check the health of your bones and see if your body needs increased amounts of vitamins and minerals important for bone health. If you want to provide your body with an adequate dose of vitamin D, order Vitamin D3 in Black Cumin Oil 2000 UI and remember to supplement it regularly.

Vitamin K – Needed

A diet helpful in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis should also contain foods rich in vitamin K. Its consumption is a factor lowering the risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures, as it participates in the metabolism of a protein called osteocalcin. In the presence of vitamin K, this protein is converted into a form in which it enables the incorporation of calcium into the bone tissue and thus increases bone density. So remember to include green vegetables in your diet, because the richest sources of vitamin K are broccoli, kale, parsley, dill, Brussels sprouts and lettuce. Cabbage and cauliflower also have higher amounts of vitamin K.

You can also provide vitamin K with the help of dietary supplements. Order, for example, Monolipid K Forte – preparation available at a promotional price on Medonet Market. It is enough for a month of supplementation.

The milk diet

A properly balanced daily diet should include an adequate amount of dairy products – at least 600g of milk and other milk drinks, approx. 75g of cottage cheese and 25g of yellow cheese. By consuming these products, we will provide the body with a sufficient amount of calcium. It should be remembered that the demand for calcium, depending on our age, is 800-1500 mg per day.

For your health, moderate sunbathing is as important as a proper diet.

dr inż. Dorota Czerwińska, Department of Human Nutrition, Warsaw University of Life Sciences

To support the functioning of your skeletal system, it is worth using Certain Movement – Panaseus dietary supplement, which is available at a promotional price on Medonet Market. Also try Joint Complex – comprehensively for the joints of Viridian, which is a supplement containing natural ingredients supporting the musculoskeletal system. We also recommend Life Drink Terranova in the form of a powder to be dissolved in water, milk or yoghurt.

Source: Live longer, Home treatments

Read also: Bone density measurement – densitometry

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