Food flood – why does it occur, how long does it last and how to deal with it?

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A food load is simply too much milk produced by your mammary glands. Food overload is one of the more common lactation problems faced by freshly baked mums. The excess food usually falls on the first days after the birth. What are the causes of food intake and how can I deal with it?

What is a food load?

Food inundation is also called milk inundation and is a completely normal and natural phenomenon. The occurrence of a food load is usually associated with changes in the hormonal balance and in the composition of the food itself. The flood of food does not cause any serious symptoms, although the very increased amount of milk itself may be troublesome for the mum.

Food overload – what are its causes?

Hormonal changes are the main cause of food intake in a newborn mom. Immediately after delivery, when the breastfeeding period begins, the concentration of prolactin in the woman’s body, i.e. the hormone responsible for milk production, increases significantly. On the other hand, progesterone levels drop sharply.

In the first days after childbirth, the mammary glands of women can produce up to 10 times more milk than the newborn baby needs.

During this period, ingredients typical for mature milk, i.e. fat and lactose, appear in the mother’s milk. At the same time, the level of protein drops and the caloric content and volume of milk increase. Food overload is a physiological condition in women after childbirth, therefore it should not be alarming. Sometimes a food load occurs with a delay, which is caused by perinatal stress, diabetes, caesarean section or leaving a fragment of the placenta.

Food overload – symptoms

A flood of food is very easy to recognize. Mom’s breasts become very large, warm, swollen and painful. For a woman it is a very unpleasant and unpleasant feeling, which is why many women are looking for a way to reduce the amount of food. During the onset of food, mum may be disturbed not only by touching her breasts, but also wearing a bra or a too-tight blouse. During an attack of milk, breast milk may flow out spontaneously, which makes mums feel even more bad. It is reassuring that food intake is a short period.

How long does a food load last?

Symptoms of food intake, although they are very unpleasant for women, at least last for a relatively short time. The food load lasts on average 2-3 days. It usually appears on the second day after the baby is born.

Food overload – how to deal with it?

Fortunately, ailments that occur with a large amount of food can be relieved quickly and effectively. To get rid of excess food, you should latch your baby to the breast as often as you like. It is worth remembering to attach the baby to one breast, once to the other, so that the loss of food is even in each breast. Lactation advisers, on the other hand, advise that in the first days after giving birth, breastfeed 10-14 a day. If there is still an excess of milk, it is worth reaching for a breast pump with which you can express your milk. Expressing milk is best done just before feeding, it will make it easier for your baby to catch the nipple. During feeding, it should be checked that the baby is grasping and sucking correctly. After feeding, you can make cold compresses on the breasts, it will limit further milk production. Cabbage leaf compresses can also bring relief.

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