Food conspiracy: food dangerous for women

Foods deemed healthy or harmless can actually harm women’s health, age prematurely, or turn into sumo wrestlers. Why is this happening? We study the issue.


It is believed that this is a healthy breakfast, especially if it is not prepared with flour, but with semolina. But in a delicious crust when frying, one of the most powerful carcinogens, acrylamide, is formed. Its consumption can provoke the appearance of tumors of female organs. And semolina is no more dietary than flour. 100 g of flour – 342 kcal, and semolina – 333 kcal.

What to do?

Do not fry the cheesecakes, but bake them in the oven until they are browned.

If you ate something fried, add fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits to your diet: they reduce the effect of acrylamide. Cheesecakes with berries or apple are a great choice. And if you take fatty and low-fat cottage cheese in a 1 to 1 ratio, then you can practically not use either flour or semolina.


Wheat contains a type of carbohydrate that is not found anywhere else – amylopectin-A. It raises blood glucose more than sugar! This leads to disruption of hormonal levels and, as a result, to rapid aging and the formation of wrinkles.

What to do?

Use flour made from oats, spelled, buckwheat and flax. It is especially beneficial if whole grains, as it retains natural vitamins and minerals. Canadian scientists have shown that the consumption of flaxseed or flour helps prevent breast and genital cancer. A useful norm is established there – 12 g of flax per day. It can be added not only to baked goods, but also to porridge, soup, kefir.


It contains the antioxidant betaine, which prevents the development of atherosclerosis and some tumors. But it is also a champion in the accumulation of nitrates, which provoke the appearance of tumors and renal failure. And the longer the beets are boiled, infused and stored ready-made, the more dangerous it becomes.

What to do?

Do not buy large, soft beets that produce a lot of juice when slicing. These are signs of nitrate contamination. The healthiest vegetable is 6–7 cm in diameter and as hard as wood. Cook for no more than an hour. Eat only the middle of the beets. Store the vinaigrette no more than 6-12 hours, borscht – 1-2 days.

Vegetable oil

It contains the essential omega-6 fatty acid. Folk recipes even suggest drinking half a glass of vegetable oil in the morning on an empty stomach. In fact, an excess of omega-6 in the body leads to the appearance of statins, which cause inflammation of the vascular walls and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Unrefined oil is no healthier, it contains the same amount of omega-6 as refined oil. In addition, sunflower oil is made using toxic combustible mixtures – gasoline and hexane, and some of these substances can remain in the oil!

What to do?

Bring a match or lighter to a spoonful of butter. If the oil catches fire, it means it contains flammable mixtures. If not, then it is cleaned well. The norm of vegetable oil is only 2 tablespoons a day! It also includes the volume that you use for salad dressing and for frying in a pan. Buy high oleic sunflower oil: it contains almost no omega-6 and is heat-resistant. And the useful oleic acid in it is 82% (in olive oil it is only 70%). Read the label carefully. High oleic sunflower oil is made from sunflower, which grows in Russia only in the Kuban, Rostov Region and Krasnodar Territory.


This drink has a diuretic effect and can flush out calcium from the body, which is poorly absorbed with age, especially in women in menopause. But there is good news as well. It used to be thought that coffee irritates the stomach and intestines. Now gastroenterologists have come to the conclusion that, on the contrary, it has an anti-inflammatory effect on the intestinal mucosa and can be recommended for diarrhea.

What to do?

Avoiding calcium loss is simple: know when to stop. 150 milligrams of caffeine at a time and 300 milligrams for the whole day is the norm for an adult. The amount of caffeine depends on the type of coffee. In Arabica it is half as much as in Robusta. A flat tablespoon of Arabica beans in 300 ml of water is the standard formula for delicious and rich coffee. Milk coffee contains less caffeine than black coffee, so ladies should give preference not to strong Americano, but to delicate cappuccino.

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