Each of us has experienced how much suffering a headache can cause. The opportunity to take a life-saving pill is not always there. And sometimes we simply do not want to once again stuff the body with medicines. In such cases, some products will help to relieve the pain.
Healers from the Deep sea
What foods help with headaches? One of them is sea fish with its priceless omega-3 acids. As you know, they serve as the main “food” for the brain, helping it to work in an enhanced mode and easier to endure intense loads. In addition, they have a beneficial effect on nerve cells and normalize blood pressure. This means that the risk of headache is reduced.
In this respect, the best varieties are considered mackerel, salmon, salmon and trout. To get the most out of it, cook the fish steamed or in the oven. A good addition to it will be green beans and lettuce leaves, which enhance the analgesic effect.
Curly inflorescences of Health
In the ratings of healthy food, broccoli is always given a place on the pedestal. Having a lot of useful advantages, it is also a product that helps with headaches. It’s all about vitamins B9 and B12. Their lack leads to the fact that we feel a decline in strength, become distracted and irritable. One of the most unpleasant “bonuses” is a headache.
Broccoli is considered a champion of B vitamins, which is why it is essential for good health. It is most useful to cook the inflorescences in salted water and sprinkle with lemon juice. By the way, spinach, asparagus and avocado are also famous for their high content of B vitamins.
Seeds for a clear mind
Lovers of nuts and seeds will answer without hesitation what products for headaches you need to eat. These snacks of natural origin are gushing with magnesium. You probably noticed it in the composition of modern painkillers. In addition, nuts and seeds are rich in zinc and phosphorus. This combination is great for the brain and nervous system.
These reasons are enough to include almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds in your daily diet. Sesame and flaxseed, as well as oils based on them, are also welcome. But remember: all these foods are calorie bombs.
The root of wisdom and beauty
What products can be used for headaches for those who lose weight before their vacation? Ginger root is what the doctor ordered. It is no secret that when cutting calories, you have to fight not only with hunger, but also with rapid fatigue, bad mood and headache. From all these misfortunes at once will save ginger.
The fastest and most effective way is to brew ginger tea. Pour 1-2 tsp. grated ginger 250 ml of boiling water and insist for 15 minutes. Honey, lemon juice and mint will help to enhance the healing effect. For migraines, experts in traditional medicine recommend wrapping grated ginger in gauze and applying it to the forehead and nostrils for 10 minutes.
Healing by Fire
Chili pepper is deservedly attributed to products that relieve headaches. It contains substances that block pain signals sent to the brain and prevent inflammatory processes. Thus, chili dulls any pain, including in the muscles and joints. And this burning spice brings the pressure back to normal.
For prevention, you can add chili to your favorite dishes. If the headache has already declared itself, a simple recipe will help to overcome it. Pour 0.5 tsp ground chili 100 ml of warm boiled water, stir, moisten cotton pads in the solution and apply to the temples. Remove the compress as soon as you feel a burning sensation on your skin.
Medicine from the tropics
Everyone knows that a banana contributes to the production of the so-called happiness hormone serotonin. And the fact that this hormone helps to calm a headache is known to few. It often occurs due to low blood sugar levels. And it is a banana due to the abundance of carbohydrates that can quickly raise it to the desired level, thereby eliminating the painful sensations.
For children and sweetmeats, you can prepare a therapeutic banana smoothie. Cut the banana into circles, pour 100 ml of natural yogurt in the bowl of a blender, add 1 tsp honey and 0.5 tsp cinnamon, whisk until smooth. Even the fastidious will not refuse such a medicine.
A cup of good mood
Coffee and its analgesic properties are often debated. But in general, doctors have nothing against this method of treatment, because the caffeine contained in it narrows the blood vessels that are dilated with headaches. The main thing is to remember a few important nuances. Coffee should be natural, not instant. It is best to cook it in a turk or coffee machine without sugar, milk and cream. To enhance the effect, you can add a pinch of cinnamon or red pepper. And most importantly-know a sense of proportion and limit yourself to two cups of black coffee a day. Otherwise, the drink will produce exactly the opposite effect.
Knowing what products relieve headaches, you can get rid of an obsessive illness without the help of medications. And even if you do not suffer from migraines, it is not superfluous to include these products in the family diet. A charge of valuable elements and vital energy will only benefit you and your family.