Fontanelle: how to take care of baby’s fontanelles?

Fontanelle: how to take care of baby’s fontanelles?

The baby’s fontanelle is the upper part of the skull that feels large to the touch. This part of the skeleton of the toddler’s skull is not yet solidified, which is why we must be very careful because the brain is directly linked to the shocks that could occur.

What is the fontanel?

This part of the skull, called the fontanel, is in fact a part that gradually resorbs as the bone structure grows. It thus allows the brain to evolve and reach its adult size without running out of space inside the skull.

When the child is small, he has the opportunity to develop, as well as his brain, until he is ready to be fully independent. It is around the age of 2 years that the fontanel closes but we must remain attentive to shocks until the age of 5 years advise pediatricians.

Indeed, the fontanel being closed it remains fragile, and we know that it is in this period of age that young children have the most falls.

What is it for ?

The fontanel is a part of the skull, located at the top of the skull, in the front middle, in the shape of a diamond, which allows the brain to be able to grow. This part is in fact still open at birth and allows the bones a certain flexibility.

Under this fontanel are located the parts of the brain that correspond to language and analysis: these lobes are used by the brain for the functions of communication but also for those relating to the senses, reading, interactions of our body with the world (sensorimotor functions).

This fontanel is therefore essential and very fragile. But you can still press on it without causing damage. A sensation of thick fabric under the fingers then appears as an impression of a trampoline or cotton.

The recommendations

Some tips to avoid a head trauma are common sense: protect the head of infants during their first months with a cap. However, it should not be too hot in summer. Choose cotton. And in winter, it is recommended to cover the head with a thicker cap.

The head must always be protected from impact. So parents must surround their infant with extreme vigilance. Do not place it near a falling object, or near a person (it is common to have a second older child heckling nearby) who could cause something heavy to fall on it.

If a young child falls on this fontanel, it is advisable to call the emergency room quickly, which will allow the usual checks to be carried out:

  • palpation of the area;
  • eye check;
  • stimulation of the baby to check that these reactions are good.


When unfortunately there is a shock on this area, it can happen that the brain takes a hit too. Health professionals will then consider all the possibilities which can be:

  • brain trauma;
  • fracture cranial;
  • mental illness, etc.

Parents must first be patient in order to allow professionals to examine the child in order to take the time to assess the consequences of the shock, or to comment on another pathology.

It is advisable to notify the attending physician or the pediatrician who follows the child, so that he can accompany the family in the process.


When the shock is heavy, the child may have movement or speech disorders if he is old enough to speak, and / or epileptic seizures. The eyes then rise to heaven and the child can swallow his tongue. It is recommended to place his finger or stick on the tongue so that he cannot swallow it and choke on it. This gesture is to be carried out with the greatest precaution. A doctor can show parents the right thing to do.

The 15, which corresponds by telephone to the SAMU, is available 24 hours a day, 24 days a week. In this kind of situation, a doctor can guide the parents to ensure first aid and allow emergency doctors to intervene very quickly. .

Without being alarmed, it is sometimes reassuring to be accompanied even if the signs are not visible. Relatives can thus talk and allow the child to be surrounded by calm, which is very important.

The emergencies

Once received in the emergency room, the child will be referred to pediatric services as a priority. A specialist will judge whether it is essential or not to continue the examinations.

In general, shocks accompanied by disorders should be watched very closely and the child can be placed under observation for one or two days in the hospital, accompanied by a parent when he is very young.

This observation will allow professionals to ensure that all motor functions are intact. A neural check-up can also be done to find out if certain areas of the brain have been affected.

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