Fondant cake: beautiful baked goods yourself. Video
Mastic cakes are gaining popularity with confidence. Today, such baked goods are even presented as an independent gift. After all, a high-quality cake is a real masterpiece. Learning how to make such a cake is not as difficult as it might seem at first. The main thing is to have a little patience and a little artistic taste.
Sugar mastic appeared in the XNUMXth century. Then she was known as frosting. She liked the confectioners for her special plasticity and flexibility. The main advantage of such a product is that it can be stored for a fairly long period of time. Previously, pastry chefs used mastic mainly as a base coat for cakes. After all, she perfectly aligned the cake, allowing you to decorate it further as you please. Today, mastic is also used as an element of decorative decoration for festive baking, figures are made from it, flowers are molded and whole compositions are made.
Oddly enough, there are several recipes for mastic. You can choose the one that you like the most. After all, someone does not like how the mastic made from gelatin behaves, others are not satisfied with the color of the mastic made from condensed milk, and the third do not like to mess with marshmallows.
For the preparation of gelatinous mastic you will need: – icing sugar – 1 kg; – gelatin – 2 sachets; – honey – 1 tablespoon; – glycerin – 1 tsp
Pour gelatin with water to make it swell. Enough for about 10 minutes, then put it on fire and start heating, stirring constantly to bring it to a uniform state. Without cooling, pour in honey and glycerin. Then it remains only to add the icing sugar in small portions and stir thoroughly to form a sufficiently tight but elastic dough. Dumplings should serve as a guide. When you achieve the desired consistency, roll the mastic in starch and knead again well. Next, wrap it in plastic wrap or put it in polyethylene and set it aside, it needs to lie down a little.
Do not neglect wrapping the finished mastic in a bag. If this is not done, it will harden and you will have to start all over again.
Keep in mind that glycerin mastic hardens quickly enough. Therefore, it is mostly used to create figurines. But it is better to fit the cake itself with another type of sugar plasticine.
Marshmallow mastic is prepared in a slightly different way. For its preparation you will need: – marshmallow marshmallows – 100 g;
– butter – 1 tablespoon; – icing sugar – 200-300 g (but this amount can be either reduced or increased depending on the consistency of your mastic); – food colorings.
In some recipes, 2 tablespoons are used instead of butter. lemon juice. We need this ingredient in order to make marshmallows easier to melt.
Your primary task is to melt the marshmallows. To do this, pour it over with lemon juice (or put butter on it) and put it in the microwave for 30 seconds. In some cases, the time can be increased to 1 minute. When you get the softened mass, start adding the icing sugar and knead the dough. Keep in mind that the dough will be sticky, so you need to constantly use powdered sugar as flour. Try to knead vigorously enough. Leave the mastic for work, hide the rest (which you will not need right away) in cellophane and put it in the refrigerator. To get colored figures, add food coloring to the mastic. You can already cover the cake with such mastic, it will not harden to the state of a stone.
To prepare mastic from condensed milk you will need: – powdered milk – 1–1,5 cups; – icing sugar – 1 glass; – condensed milk – 150 g; – lemon juice – 1 tsp
Mix milk, lemon juice and powder, then pour in condensed milk and knead everything thoroughly. Look at the mass you get. If too thick, dilute with lemon. If liquid, add powder. Further, after kneading the mastic you do not need at the moment, put it in a bag and refrigerator. It can also be wrapped around cakes.
How to make a fondant cake
You can make any cake with mastic. Cheesecakes, tiramisu, and ordinary biscuits are perfectly hidden under the thick sugar film. Only they need to be specially prepared for decoration. Bake the cake, give it the desired shape (maybe hats, maybe cars, maybe dolls), but do not coat the top layer with cream (especially protein). Put it in the refrigerator to cool. Prepare a cream for mastic. It is imperative to use a special composition so that the coating lies flat and does not spoil the appearance of the cake. It can be made either from softened butter and melted chocolate, or from condensed milk and butter. Coat your chilled cake with the resulting mixture so that there are no holes and gaps left, they will then be very visible through the coating.
Take the mastic, mix it with the color you chose as the base color, roll it into an even layer and start putting it on the cake. This is perhaps the most laborious process, since the mastic has a habit of stretching and tearing in the most inappropriate places for this. Modern housewives have special culinary accessories that help to pull the mastic on the cake evenly. Usually a special spatula is used for this. Fold the ends under the cake, and cut off the excess. To make the color rich, mix the gel dye with a little vodka and quickly brush over the cake with a brush. The color will immediately become vivid. You shouldn’t be afraid that the cake will get drunk, as the vodka will evaporate pretty quickly from the surface, and the mastic itself will remain glossy and shiny.
Decorate the cake to the end, placing all the details in their intended places. To sculpt figures, mix mastic with dyes of the color you need. Figurine details such as arms, legs, flower and stem can be held together using melted chocolate. This is the most reliable tool.
After you finish decorating the cake, be sure to put it in a cool place so that the mastic does not start to melt and crawl. It is advisable to withstand it for at least a day before serving. The cake is ready!