Follicular angioplasia with eosinophilia
Syn.: Atypical vascular granuloma, vascular pseudo-granuloma, lymphangioma eosinophilic hyperplasia, histiocytic hemangioma, epithelial hemangioma.
Def.: Endothelial hyperplasia with lymphocyte and eosinophil infiltration.
Etiol .: Unknown. An injury may be the cause.
Lok.: Face and hairy scalp, skin of the ears.
Wedge: Numerous clustered, domed, reddish nodules, sometimes with erosions. Rare seed changes.
Hist.: A very typical lobular vascular hyperplasia with endothelial cells invading into the vessel. Vessels surrounded by a tight infiltration of lymphocytes and eosinophils.
DL: Eosynophilia.
DR: Head and neck vascular tumors. Vascular granuloma, lymphocytic infiltrates, facial granuloma.
Treatment: Surgical or laser removal. Intra-focal corticosteroids.
Source: A. Kaszuba, Z. Adamski: “Lexicon of dermatology”; XNUMXst edition, Czelej Publishing House