Folk remedies to enhance tanning in the sun

Folk remedies to enhance tanning in the sun

In order to usefully and at minimal cost to acquire a beautiful skin tone, you can choose a suitable folk remedy for tanning. It does not contain chemical dyes, preservatives and other unsafe ingredients, and the result will please even a skeptic.

A folk remedy for sunburn – beautiful skin at no extra cost

Folk remedies for a quick tan in the sun

To get a bronze skin tone under the summer sun, and not in a solarium capsule, you can use affordable, and most importantly, natural remedies that also take care of your skin. The best is butter.

You can use any vegetable oil, for example olive oil, which is rich in vitamin E and takes care of the skin. Cosmetologists have noticed that the best effect is obtained from almond or peach extract.

The oil evenly covers the skin, making it more susceptible to sunlight reflection, which significantly increases the tanning adhesion efficiency. In addition, the oil protects the epidermis from burns, nourishes and moisturizes it. To enhance the caring properties, you can add any essential oil to the container.

It is necessary to apply the product before going to the beach and do it evenly, lightly rubbing the oil into the body.

To make the skin take on a noticeable chocolate hue, there are special folk remedies for a quick tan in the sun. This is a combination of drinking beverages with oils.

The production of melanin is stimulated by juices of carrots and peaches, a strong decoction of St. John’s wort or ordinary black tea. You need to drink such drinks half an hour before going out into the sun.

Folk remedies to enhance tanning

To get a southern skin color, folk remedies are used to enhance tanning. These are special masks used before sun exposure, which additionally color the skin and give it a tanned look.

In the first place in popularity and effectiveness is the carrot mask. The keratin found in carrots can give the skin a yellowish color that turns golden brown during sunbathing.

You can simply wipe the skin with carrot juice or apply carrot puree gruel with any vegetable oil for 15 minutes.

To make the tan stick better, folk remedies use the following:

  • coffee scrub, which cleans the epidermis of dead particles, makes the skin more susceptible to ultraviolet light;
  • a mixture of beer and olive oil in equal proportions;
  • bath with strong tea leaves.

A bath with potassium permanganate gives a good effect. For its preparation, a little potassium permanganate crystals are added to the water so that the solution turns out to be light pink. You can lie in such a bath for 25-30 minutes.

In order not to harm the skin and tan beautifully, several folk remedies are combined at once. Before going outside, you should cleanse the body with scrubs, peels or visit the sauna. Then, during the day, consume carrot, tomato or apricot juice, lubricate the body with special products and fix the tan with a tea bath or containing a solution of potassium permanganate.

dermatocosmetologist, candidate of medical sciences

– With age, age spots may appear on the skin. Most often they occur in women over 45 years old, sunbathers are threatened with hyperpigmentation after 30. Melanin is responsible for skin color, it is produced by melanocytes located in the basal layer of the epidermis. The more pigment, the deeper it lies, the darker we are. Pigmented spots are areas of excessive accumulation of melanin as a result of impaired synthesis of a substance or sunburn. For people over 30, hyperpigmentation is natural, as the number of melanocytes decreases over the years. There are several types of age spots. Among the acquired, the most common are chloasma, brown in color with clear boundaries, they do not rise above the skin and are most often located on the face. Lentigines are of a darker color, slightly raised above the surface of the epidermis, localized in any areas. Each new darkening must be examined, at the slightest suspicion – consult a doctor

Olga Fomina, Anna Gerasimenko

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