Folk remedies for the treatment of prostatitis

People are increasingly turning to traditional medicine, to the experience of previous generations, and this applies not only to the treatment of prostatitis, but in general it is noticeable in the treatment of a variety of diseases. Folk remedies do not have side effects, do not have a toxic effect on the body, and show their therapeutic effect much milder. This is due to the fact that folk remedies use only natural ingredients of natural origin, in contrast to synthetic drugs. These are the main advantages of traditional methods of treatment, but there are also limitations.

In relation to the treatment of prostatitis, these limitations are indicated by the origin of the prostatitis itself. If it is congestive prostatitis, then folk remedies will give the best effect. If prostatitis is of a bacterial nature (staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, etc.), then folk antibacterial agents exist, but the limitation is long-term intake and abstinence from all possible irritants (restrictions in diet, alcohol, smoking, etc.). If prostatitis is caused by sexually transmitted infections (mycoplasma, chlamydia, etc.), then alas, folk remedies will be practically useless.

How was prostatitis treated before?

Of course, prostatitis, as a disease, did not appear today or yesterday. And earlier they were able to treat him with all the same improvised folk remedies and methods. However, it should be noted that they used to get sick much less and it was much easier to treat it precisely because they used to get sick with venereal infections much less often, and bacterial prostatitis was a rarity at all, since people’s immunity was stronger than in modern times. People with a strong immune system today, of course, are found (especially in villages and villages), and they will never know about the existence of staphylococcus aureus. How they achieve this is the purpose and subject of this section. Sexually transmitted infections, of course, have also existed for a long time, but even 100 years ago their number was limited to almost two main ones – syphilis and gonorrhea. However, they are as severe in manifestations as they are easy to treat. And today’s venereal infections are much more insidious. Returning to the topic of how prostatitis was previously treated – in general, it was the intake of products and decoctions of herbs that have an antibacterial effect. Some of the most effective remedies are honey and chamomile. How to use them will be described below.

The effect of treatment with folk remedies

In general, treatment with folk methods is aimed at suppressing bacterial infections, relieving stagnation in the prostate and increasing immunity. But it should be understood that all these three components can only be achieved with long-term treatment with traditional medicine. This is not a week or two, but rather we need to talk about months. And in the end, such treatment becomes, no less, a lifestyle. This does not mean that a person is constantly being treated, rather, having recovered, he constantly applies preventive measures so as not to get sick again. Those who treat folk remedies in this way ultimately win (against the disease), because in their case they manage to increase their immunity both in general and locally in the pelvic organs, which is especially important when talking about the treatment of prostatitis specifically. .

Folk remedies for the treatment of prostatitis

Here are the most famous and most commonly used folk remedies for the treatment of prostatitis. They are known for their efficiency. These tools and methods are good not only for the treatment of prostatitis and chronic prostatitis, but also for many other inflammatory diseases, but here we are talking about their use for the treatment of prostate diseases.


Chamomile is the most famous traditional medicine. Chamomile has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, analgesic and a number of other properties.

For the treatment of prostatitis and chronic prostatitis in the stage of exacerbation, chamomile infusion should be (appropriately) drunk 30 minutes before meals.


Walnuts with honey

The main trace elements that walnuts are rich in are vitamin E and zinc. Nuts contain many other useful substances, but in relation to the treatment of prostatitis and increasing potency in men, these are important.

To improve sexual potency and treat prostatitis, it is difficult to come up with something more useful.


Exercises for the treatment of prostatitis

Prostatitis – often associated with a congestive process in the prostate gland. By itself, it is rather poorly washed by blood and, as a result, is poorly supplied with oxygen. And this already causes a deterioration in the functioning of prostate tissues. If we do not have enough oxygen, then we begin to fall asleep, and individual organs react in the same way to a lack of oxygen.

It is necessary to increase the supply of blood to the prostate gland by performing simple exercises.


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