Folk remedies for heartburn
A variety of factors can provoke heartburn: abundant or fatty foods, spices and herbs, alcohol and carbonated drinks, stress, and physical activity after meals. But how to get rid of the discomfort?
Folk remedies for heartburn
Folk remedies for heartburn
To relieve an attack of heartburn, we often use folk remedies: baking soda solution, mint, milk, and so on. But often such methods are not only ineffective, but can also harm the body. For example, soda really quickly relieves discomfort, but only for a short time. A second attack of heartburn soon occurs, and it is usually more intense. In addition, with frequent use of soda, there is a danger of disrupting the acid-base balance of the body. Mint and milk do not relieve an attack of heartburn at all, moreover, they aggravate it. So it is better not to risk it, but to use modern remedies for heartburn.
All heartburn medications can be divided into three groups: absorbable antacids (such as Rennie), non-absorbable antacids (such as Gastal, Maalox, Almagel), and alginates (Gaviscon).
The drugs of the first group enter into a chemical reaction with gastric juice and neutralize hydrochloric acid, quickly relieving discomfort. The action of such drugs is short-lived.
The drugs of the second group absorb hydrochloric acid, so that the effect occurs later, but persists for a longer time. Modern non-absorbable antacids have a number of additional properties, for example, they are able to envelop the gastric mucosa.
Preparations of the third group envelop the gastric mucosa, absorb gases and toxins, relieve heartburn and pain, and have the ability to stimulate tissue healing.
The likelihood of exacerbation of heartburn in the spring is very high. There are some rules to follow at this time. So, in order to avoid bouts of heartburn, it is better to switch to a proper diet. Namely: try to eat often and in small portions, if possible, give up carbonated drinks, alcohol, coffee, chocolate, spicy and fatty foods.
Fresh bread, dairy products with high acidity, salted and pickled vegetables can contribute to the occurrence of heartburn, which means that it is advisable to avoid these foods if possible. The last meal should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
In addition, it is advisable to consult a doctor: heartburn can be a signal of serious diseases of the digestive tract, in particular gastritis or stomach ulcers.