Folk remedies for eyebrow growth. Video
Eyebrow care involves giving them a beautiful shape that enhances the shape of the eyes and face. But sometimes, due to any problems, for example, a lack of vitamins and minerals, thyroid diseases or simply improper care, eyebrows become rare and inconspicuous. You can restore their beauty and accelerate their growth with the help of various folk remedies.
Eyebrow growth products: oils and herbs
Cosmetic treatments for eyebrow growth
To restore the growth of eyebrows at home, you can use a product made from lanolin, petroleum jelly and glycerin. Take all components in equal proportions. You should have a mass of uniform consistency. Wipe eyebrows with this composition at least 2 times a day.
Also, a carrot mask helps to improve the growth of eyebrows. Mix 1 tablespoon of carrot juice and 5 drops of vitamin A. Soak a napkin in this composition and place on your eyebrows. Keep it on for 20 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water.
To grow thick eyebrows in a short period of time, you can use a peach oil compress. Heat some oil, soak small pieces of cotton wool with it and place them on your eyebrows. Then, covering the cotton with small strips of parchment paper, secure with a bandage. Keep the compress on for 20 minutes.
You can carry out the same procedure using almond, sea buckthorn, burdock or castor oil.
You can also mix 4 drops of camphor oil, 10 drops of castor oil, and 1 teaspoon of flaxseed oil. Rub this compound into your eyebrows until they grow back.
To make eyebrows grow faster, prepare an ointment with 0,4 grams of Peruvian balsam, 10 grams of petroleum jelly, and 8 grams of castor oil. Lubricate eyebrows with this tool at least 2-3 times a day.
You can replace Peruvian balm with Shostakovsky’s balm
Chamomile broth will help you to make thick eyebrows. To do this, pour 1 liter of water over ½ tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers. Put on medium heat, bring to a boil, cool, strain and wipe your eyebrows with the resulting product 2 times a day.
Medicinal calendula is an excellent remedy for helping to restore eyebrow growth. Pour 1 tablespoon of calendula flowers with 1 glass of vodka, put in a cool dark place and leave for 2 weeks. After that, dilute the tincture with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Soak cotton pads in the composition, apply to eyebrows and hold for 1,5 hours.
Repeat this procedure at least 3 times a week for 2 months
To keep your eyebrows always beautiful and well-groomed, after each wash, comb and smooth them along the eyebrow line using a special brush. In addition to the cosmetic effect, this procedure can increase blood circulation in the eyebrow area and accelerate their growth.
Next, you will learn how to choose the shape of your eyebrows.