Folk remedies for cough: video review

Folk remedies for cough: video review

Cough is one of the most unpleasant and familiar consequences of a cold. Many believe that they can cope with it on their own, with the help of folk remedies. But first of all, when starting treatment with folk methods, you should know that a cough can be a symptom of various diseases.

What you need to know about coughing

Coughing is a defense mechanism that aims to clear the lower airways. It can be a symptom of diseases of various organs and systems, allergies or parasitic diseases. Therefore, with a prolonged cough, you should consult a doctor in order to exclude all these diseases.

Most often, a cough is a symptom of some kind of colds, namely viral or bacterial etiology.

The main function of cough is to cleanse the airways, respectively, it is an absolutely normal and even necessary process, since with the help of cough phlegm is removed from the bronchi, and this is useful

The cough is dry, wet, paroxysmal, obsessive. There are a lot of types of cough, both in the nature of the occurrence and in the way it proceeds. Usually, the cough is dry at first, and becomes wet with the course of the disease.

Keep in mind that the longer you cough, the more difficult it is to get rid of it. So you need to start the fight in the first three days of a cold, when there is no cough as such.

Cough suppressants are divided into three main groups. The first is antitussive drugs, which are used for dry coughs. The second group is drugs that thin phlegm. The third group includes expectorants.

People are treated for coughs in a variety of ways, from antibiotics to compresses to physical therapy.

Cough treatment of folk remedies

There are many subspecies of alternative medicine, but herbal medicine is the closest to us, in other words, herbal medicine.

Since a cough can indicate a wide variety of disorders in the body, from allergies to asthma, self-medication with various means and methods can have the most adverse consequences, since a cough is not just an unpleasant symptom, but a way to cleanse the lungs. By depriving the body of the possibility of cleansing, you can get dangerous consequences in the form of bronchitis or pneumonia. Nevertheless, coughing is a lot of inconvenience.

If the cause of the cough is the usual ARVI, then at first it can be treated with simple means. The very first thing is drinking plenty of fluids.

It can be compote from dried fruits, fruit drink from freshly squeezed berries, warm tea with raspberries and lindens. Then you can use homeopathic medicines and various herbal teas

When coughing, special herbal preparations are very useful, which can be bought at any pharmacy. However, when choosing medicines, you should pay attention to the composition and make sure that you are not allergic to any component.

Tea for colds and coughs. Take a 3 cm long ginger root, peel it, chop it and put it in a thermos. Add three tablespoons of honey and lemon juice there. Fill a thermos with boiling water and let sit for 30 minutes. Then strain the broth. Drink one glass of tea three times a day.

Elecampane tea will help to cope with a dry cough. To do this, brew three tablespoons of dry herb in a thermos. Insist for eight hours. Strain and take half a glass three times a day.

Beekeeping products are very helpful in coughing. You need to take a tincture of propolis. Pipette ten drops of the tincture into a pipette and add to an incomplete glass of warm milk. Mix everything thoroughly. Take three times a day.

With a dry cough, it is very useful to do inhalations with a decoction of onions, soda and eucalyptus leaves.

During this procedure, add aromatic oils of bergamot, fir, pine, lemon to the solution.

Another option for inhalation is inhaling the vapors of boiled potatoes in their uniforms. To do this, you need to wash three potatoes and boil them until tender. Drain the pot. Lean over the container, throw a towel over your head and inhale the fumes of the potatoes for ten minutes.

Massage is one of the most effective non-drug ways to get rid of a wet cough. During the massage, when breathing deepens, the bronchi expand, the sputum, which is in the lower parts, is easier to cough up and remove. To do this, stand up straight and, with a deep breath, spread your arms back. Then make a strong exit, at the same time, as if hugging yourself with both hands on the shoulders.

How to treat cough with folk remedies

If the cough is superficial, obsessive, not very deep and dry, you need to do a simple finger massage at certain points on the body. To do this, place your index finger in the notch in your neck, and then massage in light circular motions counterclockwise for four minutes. In the same way, you can massage the anatomical fossa area near the index finger on the back of the hand. During this massage, it is recommended to use the “Star” balm or essential oils of coniferous plants.

Hot foot baths relieve the upper airway spasm that causes coughing.

An old and tried remedy for coughing is gargling with a solution of water and sea salt.

Also interesting to read: lemon juice.

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