Folk remedies for a hangover: does coffee help?

As recent studies have shown, an invigorating drink does not at all sober up a person who has gone overboard, but only gives a feeling of “coming to his senses”, which, firstly, is false, and secondly, it can lead to depressing consequences.

Coffee will make it harder for a person to understand that they are under the influence of alcohol. In this state, he will not be able to fully control the situation, for example, he will sit behind the wheel, believing that he is absolutely sober.

“It is very important to disprove the myth about the sobering properties of coffee, since the combined effects of caffeine and alcohol can be devastating,” commented study leader Dr. Thomas Gould.

Scientists tested how well mice can walk through a maze and avoid unpleasant stimuli, such as bright lights or noises, while under the influence of substances.

The animals were given doses of alcohol and caffeine in various combinations. Alcohol made the mice more relaxed, but less able to avoid danger. Those on the caffeine were slightly better at navigating the maze, but more tense. Animals that drank alcohol and caffeine at the same time were calm and relaxed, but could not sufficiently evade stimuli.

Nevertheless, you should not neglect alcohol on holidays, especially since, as recent studies show, champagne is good for the heart.

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