Folk recipes with viburnum berry: beneficial properties. Video
Red viburnum berries, similar to small shiny beads, are good not only for their appearance. They are actively used for medicinal purposes, helping with various diseases. But before you study folk recipes with viburnum, you should find out not only its beneficial properties, but also contraindications for use.
Folk recipes with viburnum berry: video about its benefits
Viburnum juice is a source of vitamins of groups A, C, E, as well as a number of minerals. In terms of iron content, viburnum is simply unique, since in such an amount it is no longer contained in any plant. Also, the juice contains magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and other trace elements, so viburnum is not only a medicinal plant, but also a supplier of nutrients. To achieve results, depending on the existing problems, the berries are consumed orally or their juice is used as lotions.
The only drawback of viburnum is the bitter taste of berries, this problem can be easily solved if you grind them with sugar
The use of viburnum juice strengthens the heart, it is a diuretic, and also has anti-inflammatory properties. The latter are characteristic not only of berries, but also of viburnum bark. Also, this plant strengthens the immune system, prevents vitamin deficiency, normalizes the outflow of bile, helps to restore blood composition in case of profuse blood loss, heals dry cough. Viburnum also cleans blood vessels from cholesterol plaques and strengthens their walls. It is believed that viburnum is a natural antioxidant and contributes to the prevention and treatment of breast cancer in cases where there are no contraindications to this.
Before starting treatment with viburnum, you should know that it is prohibited with increased acidity of the stomach and blood diseases with impaired blood clotting
Folk recipes with viburnum
To strengthen the immune system, it is enough to take a tablespoon of viburnum juice or berries once a day. For the treatment of ovarian cysts, the juice is taken in equal proportions with honey. The treatment lasts 4 weeks, during which the amount of the agent used increases from the volume that fits at the tip of a teaspoon to one tablespoon daily. After a month, it is necessary to repeat the treatment in the reverse order, reducing the dose. In case of respiratory diseases, a brush of berries is rubbed, mixed with 150 g of liquid honey, after which they insist for at least two hours and take a teaspoon four times a day. Viburnum juice face masks help to whiten age spots and reduce inflammation.
It is squeezed out of washed berries, after which it is mixed one to one with honey or sugar. In this form, the juice can be stored for a long time, but it is not worth sterilizing and rolling it into jars, since during boiling most of the nutrients evaporate. More useful is the juice from frozen berries, so you can cook it from raw materials stored in the freezer all year round.
It is also interesting to read: traditional methods of treating the common cold.