Folk recipes for colds that will only make things worse

Folk recipes for colds that will only make things worse

We have collected the most popular treatment methods, and the practitioner commented on them.

Each of us at least once heard the advice to drink vodka with pepper if we got our feet wet, got cold, or felt that we were getting sick. Some are even sure that this method is the only one in the fight against colds. But is it?

The commentary of the therapist Julia Aust:

– It is pointless to treat colds with this alcoholic drink, since this will only lead to intoxication and will not at all contribute to recovery. This method of treatment has its roots in a time of poor drug supply. Hence the misconception that vodka has a “disinfecting” effect, and pepper acts as a magic extract. By the way, in addition to fighting colds with a cocktail of vodka and salt, some manage to treat acute intestinal infections, which I personally also strongly do not recommend! It is possible not only to provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases, but also to cause microtrauma to the mucous membranes, thereby only increasing the duration of the disease at least twice.

Hot tea and milk with honey

We begin to be treated with this magic drink as early as childhood and use the recipe to a ripe old age. It seems that now we will have to forget about it.

Therapist’s comment:

– There is nothing wrong with this advice, however, the effect is also not observed. The short-term improvement is only a subjective sensation.

Using garlic juice instead of nasal drops

This method looks more like torture than treatment, but it is also very popular. It’s simple: to cure a cold, you need to drip a solution of garlic juice and water into your nose.

Therapist’s comment:

– When instilling in the nose with “garlic” or other similar solution, you should first consult a doctor, since a runny nose is a broad concept. And if with the viral course of rhinitis, as well as with the addition of a bacterial infection and the development of sinusitis, the use of “garlic” drops is even more or less justified (and then with great care), then in the presence of microtraumas, ulcers on the nasal mucosa, individual intolerance and acute respiratory diseases systems (bronchial asthma, respiratory allergies, etc.), as well as with vasomotor and allergic rhinitis, this method is strictly prohibited!

We check one more method. It is rumored that sneezes will help drive the disease out of the body. And black pepper can cause it, you just need to smell it well.

Therapist’s comment:

– Sniffing pepper to cause sneezing, and in principle, using it as a method as a treatment is also not worth it, because such a “therapy” is quite capable of provoking complications – up to an acute shortage of air (due to excessive inhalation). For children, this method is completely dangerous! If you want to cause sneezing, you just need to have some irritating effect on the nasopharyngeal mucosa by dripping special saline. But if there is no urgent need for this, it is better to do without a “sneeze”, since the body is able to cope on its own and remove the infection.

Burning garlic “turunochki”

To remove a runny nose, insert a “turuntochka” from an inflorescence of garlic into your nose and set it on fire. Hmm … What can I say? It only remains to add: “Do not repeat! Dangerous!”

The commentary of the therapist Julia Aust:

– Setting fire to the core of garlic in the nose is a rather impractical and ridiculous method of treating ARVI! It is unlikely that anyone can do it correctly and safely, and therefore, when performing such treatment, there is a high risk of additional injuries to the nasal mucosa, burns and, as a result, an increase in the overall recovery period.

If you want to expel a cold from the body – eat chili pepper! Moreover, the more you are sick, the more pepper you should consume.

Therapist’s comment:

– On the one hand, the benefits of this product are undeniable: due to the active ingredient that gives a burning taste – capsaicin, pepper has a number of useful properties such as decongestant, expectorant and anticoagulant effect. In addition, it lowers cholesterol levels, acts as an antioxidant, slows down the aging process, contains B-carotene and vitamin C.

However, for patients with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, I, as a doctor, recommend refraining from everything spicy and, first of all, removing hot pepper spices and chili from the diet. This also applies to the use of this product for colds. Before consuming anything, think about whether the pepper will put additional stress on the body, which is already weakened during the fight against infection.

Another folk drug in the literal sense. Legs soar in mustard, they eat it to “expel the disease” … Let’s find out how dangerous it is.

Therapist’s comment:

– With excessive consumption of mustard, shortness of breath, palpitations, interruptions in the work of the heart, exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the appearance of burns of the mucous membrane of the mouth and pharynx, and even loss of consciousness may appear. Essential oils in mustard can trigger the development of dermatitis. Mustard itself provokes excessive secretion of gastric juice, which leads to an increase in appetite, so this product is also contraindicated in obese people.

Gargling with a solution of baking soda and salt

This recipe is a hit of treatment of all times and peoples! It is unlikely that in Russia there is at least one person who has never gargled with such a mixture. Doesn’t she also heal, but cripple?

Therapist’s comment:

– Maybe I will upset someone, but I will still say: I personally do not recommend rinsing the throat with solutions of soda and salt as a doctor, since this method does not actually fight infection. The subjective sensation of improvement occurs due to the temporary relief of the swelling of the throat and thereby reducing the pain. In addition, these methods are fraught with the formation of microtraumas in the area of ​​inflammation, the appearance of irritation and the prolongation of the duration of the disease.

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