FODMAP – dla kogo, jak i po co? Radzi ekspert |

FODMAP, due to its strange name, seems to be something exotic and distant, but this diet is extremely helpful in supporting the treatment of a very common disease. I invite you to read the new text in which you will learn more about this topic.

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FODMAP? What is this cipher?

In order to better explain what this diet is and what it is, first I will explain to you what exactly is the abbreviation. FODMAP is an acronym from the English language meaning:

F – fermentable (fermenting) O – oligo-oligosaccharides (oligosaccharides)  D – disaccharides (disacharydy) M – monosaccharides (monosaccharides) A – and (I) P – polyols (poliole)

Word low in front of the abbreviation means low and refers to the low content of the listed saccharides (carbohydrates) in permitted food products. 

Simply put, the point is that meals planned according to the principles of a low FODMAP diet will contain low amounts of sugars, which are fermentable in our digestive tract. In people who have such sugars will be poorly absorbed in the intestine, their presence may cause unpleasant ailments – pain, discomfort, flatulence, but also, for example, diarrhea.  

Does this apply to everyone?

This is not a problem that we will see in the entire population. Most people’s organisms are most capable of digesting the aforementioned carbohydrates. However, the problem mainly affects patients with irritable bowel syndrome (also known as IBS). 

It is a fairly common condition. It is estimated that 10-20% of the population suffer from them (it occurs more often in women than in men). However, it can be assumed that this% is actually higher, because the symptoms are non-specific and some patients either do not see a doctor at all or do not receive a proper diagnosis. In order to make a diagnosis, one should rely on the so-called Roman criteria. According to them, IBS can be diagnosed if the person undergoing the diagnosis has had bowel-related abdominal pain for at least one day a week, with a change in the appearance and consistency of the stool, and / or a change in bowel rhythm for at least one day a week, in the last three months. Two of the three criteria listed above are enough for a specialist to diagnose irritable bowel syndrome. 

Additionally, on the basis of the dominant symptoms, four types of IBS are distinguished: 1.diarrhoeic, 2. constipation, 3. mixed,  4. undefined. 

What does low FODMAP mean in practice?

The low FODMAP diet is of course based on meals and low-carbohydrate foods that will be fermented in the intestines. However, you should beware of products with a high content of this type of sugar. The group of non-recommended carbohydrates includes:

• Fructose,

• Lactose,

• Fructany,

• Galactooligosaccharides,

• Polyhydric alcohols, such as xylitol, mannitol and sorbitol. 

Below I am enclosing a table with examples of permitted and contraindicated products. Of course, it does not exhaust the topic, but it will definitely be a good tip for the beginning of the low FODMAP road. 

It should also be remembered that the patient’s diet should also be adapted to the form of the disease – a person with constipation should eat differently than with diarrhea. It is therefore a good idea to consult a dietitian experienced in these types of diets before changing your diet. It will not only help you with general nutrition recommendations, but also adjust the menu to your individual needs. 


As already mentioned, although the low FODMAP diet is not necessary for everyone, many people may need it due to the high incidence of irritable bowel syndrome in the population. If you know that you suffer from this condition, I hope you will find at least a few tips in the text useful. If, on the other hand, you experience symptoms similar to those described, it might be worth consulting with your doctor to determine if you are suffering from IBS. 


Pawlak K. et al. L-FODMAP DIET IN THE TREATMENT OF IRRITATIVE GUT SYNDROME. A journal devoted to the issues of research on health and environmental protection 2017

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Nina Kaczmarek Dietician

Master of Nutrition and Public Health, academic lecturer, graduate of the Medical University in Poznań. It works according to the principles of evidence-based dietetics – it is based on current scientific knowledge and constantly educates itself at courses and conferences. Her main professional interests are the nutrition of children, pregnant and lactating women, as well as a vegetarian and vegan diet. Privately, he reads a lot and tries to live according to the zero waste principles. She also loves to check how many steps she took on a given day – 10.000 is just the beginning …

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