Irritable bowel syndrome is one of the diseases of the digestive system, which is characterized by bacterial overgrowth. The symptoms are bloating, constipation, diarrhea, digestive disorders, impaired absorption of food, abdominal pain. The FODMAP diet allows people with irritable bowel syndrome and overgrowth of bacterial flora in the small intestine to function normally. Learn the principles of the FODMAP diet, the list of prohibited products and its benefits.
This diet was developed by scientists from Monash University. Its aim is to improve the quality of life of patients with overgrowth of bacterial flora in the intestines and irritable bowel syndrome. Its main principle is low consumption of fructose, fructans, lactose, artificial sweeteners and polyhydric alcohols. These substances are easily fermented and have osmotic properties, as a result of which they increase the amount of water in the intestinal lumen.
It is the fermentation of these substances that causes bloating, diarrhea and abdominal pain, because then there is an increased production of carbon dioxide and methane.
The principles of the FODMAP diet
It consists of two stages. In the first of them, products rich in the above-described substances fermenting under the influence of bacteria are avoided. This first period lasts 6 to 8 weeks. Of course, depending on personal predispositions and health, some people can afford their small amounts.
The second phase lasts much longer. Its success depends on the reaction of the person’s body to the products introduced back. New products should be introduced gradually, one at a time, once every few days, observing your reactions.
The use of such a diet should not last too long, so that serious deficiencies do not occur due to too little vitamins, minerals and fiber. You can return to the first phase in situations when you feel the worsening of the symptoms of the disease.
Prohibited products
The list of such products is constantly updated on the Internet, high FODMAP products are those that should be limited or avoided. The list includes groups of dairy and cereal products, large amounts of vegetables and fruits. Although some products are listed as allowed in the table, individual predispositions must be taken into account – each body can react differently.
- Cereal products – containing rye and wheat, i.e. pasta, flour, bread, breakfast cereals, bran, crackers, tortillas, rusks, cakes, cookies,
- Vegetables – limit asparagus, leek, peas, spring onions, onions, garlic, artichokes, Jerusalem artichokes, broad beans, cabbage, cauliflower, avocados, beans, beets, Brussels sprouts, lentils, leeks, peas, soybeans, dill, green peppers.
- Prebiotics – oligofructose, FOS, inulin, fructooligosaccharides.
- Fruits – watermelon, apples, plums, apricots, blackberries, lychees, nectarines, pears, cherries, peaches.
- Dairy products – including cow’s milk, goat’s milk, ice cream, cream, cottage cheese, yogurt,
- Sweets and sweeteners,
- Beverages – sweetened with fructose, glucose-fructose syrup, sweeteners, fruit juices, beer, sweet wines.