Larch moss fly – a fungus that has several names: Larch boletin, Phylloporus lariceti, Boletinus lariceti. The species belongs to the third group in terms of nutritional value. Fruiting bodies with a low odor and unexpressed taste are suitable for any processing method.

Flywheel larch: description and photo

What do larch mushrooms look like

The larch moss fly forms the monotypic genus Psiloboletinus (Psiloboletin) and is its only representative.

Flywheel larch: description and photo

The flywheel received its specific name from the way it grows. It occurs only near larch in pine forests or mixed forests, which include coniferous trees. It was entered into the biological reference book in 1938 by mycologist Rolf Singer. External description of the view:

  1. The upper part of the fruit body is rounded, with very concave edges, as it grows older, the cap becomes prostrate, reaching an average diameter of 15 cm, but there are also larger specimens.
  2. The surface is velvety, dry, the edges of the cap in adults are even or wavy, slightly concave.
  3. The color is dark gray or brown, often uniform, perhaps a small ocher spot in the center.
  4. The hymenophore is tubular, finely lamellar along the margin. The pores are large, with thick walls, descending on a stem, visually perceived as thick plates.
  5. The color of the spore-bearing layer in young fruiting bodies is white or light beige, turning yellow with age.
  6. The pulp is light, thick, dense, with a slight mushroom smell and a weak taste. When broken, it turns blue.
  7. The leg is of medium thickness, its length is 6-10 cm, the surface is velvety, light on top, and dark near the mycelium. May be flat or slightly thickened at the base or in the middle.
  8. The larch flywheel does not have a ring on the leg and a bedspread.

Where do larch mushrooms grow

Flywheel can be found only under larch, it grows more often singly, less often in 2-3 copies. The distribution area is the Urals, the Far East, Eastern Siberia. Here the view is not particularly popular. It grows abundantly on Sakhalin, is harvested in large quantities, the product is widely used for winter harvesting. Fruiting time is the end of August. The duration of the collection depends on the amount of precipitation, lasts within 2-3 weeks, grows only in Our Country.

Is it possible to eat larch mushrooms

Important! Larch flywheel is an edible representative of the mushroom kingdom that does not have toxins in its composition.

Universal in use, does not require special processing. The product is washed from dirt, dry fragments of leaves and grass; it is suitable for frying without preliminary boiling. Larch moss fly is used for salads, soups, mushroom caviar. Harvested for the winter in pickled or dried form.

False doubles

Species similar to the larch moss fly include the thin pig.

Flywheel larch: description and photo

Young mushrooms are very similar to each other. Adult specimens can be distinguished by the spore-bearing layer: in the pig it is lamellar, but with wavy edges. Outwardly similar to a tubular, the difference is noticeable only upon careful examination. The juice of the twin turns brown when oxidized, not blue. The species contains lectins in the chemical composition – toxic compounds that are preserved during heat treatment.

Attention! The pig is not only inedible, but also poisonous, after consumption, there have been cases of death.

A poisonous twin grows in all types of forests, often settles on trunks, rarely occurs singly, mainly forms colonies.

Another twin – bluish gyrodon or podolshan, grows in symbiosis with alder. This is the main distinguishing feature of the species.

Flywheel larch: description and photo

The tubular mushroom is characterized by high nutritional value. The damaged areas turn bluish, then darken to brown. Gyrodon is a rare mushroom, protected by law in some European countries.

Another representative of the mushroom kingdom can be called a double: Goat belongs to the genus Oiler, is characterized by a low nutritional rating.

Flywheel larch: description and photo

Considered conditionally edible, included in the last (IV) category. In color of the fruiting body, the double is lighter than the larch moss. The pulp is yellow in color, when broken it becomes pink, then red. Forms mycorrhiza with pine.

Collection rules

The main condition is not to pick mushrooms in an ecologically polluted area. Places of growth near industrial enterprises, highways, gas stations, landfills are not considered.

Only young specimens are taken, in overripe larch flywheels, the hymenophore becomes jelly-like and separates from the cap, decomposing protein gives the fungus an unpleasant odor, such fruiting bodies are not harvested due to poor presentation, as well as the appearance of toxins in their composition that can cause severe poisoning.


Larch flywheel does not have a bright taste and smell, but it is quite suitable for all types of processing. Fruiting bodies can be used immediately for cooking. Through laboratory studies, it has been proven that the larch flywheel secretes an enzyme that has a thrombolytic effect. In folk medicine, dry mushrooms or decoctions are used to thin the blood and prevent blood clots.


Larch moss fly is the only representative of the genus Psiloboletin, which is distributed only in Our Country (mainly Western Siberia and the Urals). Mushroom with low nutritional value, edible, used in all types of processing. Grows only under larch.

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