In appearance, fly fishing is similar to float fishing. Soft and flexible rod, line, weight, float, hook. But in fact, fly fishing is more effective and easier than match or Bologna fishing.
Fly rod selection
There are 3 types of fly rods:
- “Classic” – a light rod 5-11 meters long. It is used for catching small fish up to 1-2 kg.
- “Bleak” is a lightweight rod 2-4 m long. It is used for catching small fish up to 500 g.
- “Carp” – a strong and weighted rod 7-14 m long. It is used for catching large individuals (carp, carp, crucian carp).
The division of rods into categories arose due to different fishing conditions. A short rod allows you to move mobile around the pond, unlike a ten-meter rod. It is designed to catch small fish near the shore and does not allow casting over large thickets. Even if you change the rig to a longer line, it will be very difficult to cast with a short rod.
The fly rod is made of modern durable materials, the following varieties can be distinguished:
- Fiberglass. It is considered the cheapest material, which is insensitive, less durable and heavier. It is not recommended to buy fiberglass rods longer than 5 m. Due to their heavy weight, they are not suitable for fly fishing.
- Composite. More durable material, as it combines fiberglass with carbon fiber. This affects its strength and lighter weight. Budget option for a fly rod.
- CFRP. The lightest, strongest and most resilient fly rod material. It is recommended to use a fishing rod up to 11 m long, as these are the optimal sizes that combine all the advantages of this material.
The length of fly rods ranges from 2 to 14 m. They are divided into the following categories:
- The short ones are 2-4 m long. The weight of the fish is up to 500 grams. Used for sport fishing.
- Medium length 5-7 m. Fish weight up to 2 kg. The most common rod length.
- Long – 8-11 m. Fish weight up to 3 kg. Used for fishing in overgrown ponds.
- Extra long – 12-14 m. This reinforced rod is used for carp fishing.
Rod test
This is the weight range of the maximum load of the tackle that will not harm the rod. If you follow the recommendation for the optimal test, this will provide the necessary range and accuracy of the cast, without causing harm to the tackle. Exceeding the maximum test can lead not only to breakage of gear, but also to breakage of the fishing rod.
Weight and balance
When fishing with a fly, you have to hold the rod in your hands for a long time, so it should be light and balanced. The center of gravity should be closer to the handle, this will allow you to comfortably hold the rod and hook the fish more efficiently.
Standard carbon rod weight:
- Long from 2 to 4 m, weight should be 100-150 gr.
- From 5 to 7 m, weight is 200-250 g.
- From 8 to 11 m, weight is 300-400 g.
- From 12 to 14 m, weight up to 800 g.
For the complete installation of the fly rod, correctly selected equipment elements are required:
- Connector.
- Fishing line.
- Float.
- Sinker.
- Leash.
- Hook.
- Coil.
The connector is the main element of the equipment. It is used for quick line changes. The connector is attached to the end of the fishing rod.
There are three types of connectors:
- Bought from the store. Before purchasing a connector, you should try it on your rod, as they are made for a certain diameter. After you need to glue it to the tip of the fishing rod.
- Homemade. It is necessary to attach a small carabiner to the end of the rod and tie it with a fishing line, after which it is recommended to coat it with glue a little. But such homemade connectors fray the line over time.
- Included with the rod. On good and high-quality fishing rods, the manufacturer independently installs a connector that can withstand good effort.
main line
It must be remembered that fly fishing is catching not very large fish, so a fishing line with a thickness of about 0.2 mm is usually used. Monofilament is recommended as it is more sensitive than braided line.
Choosing a fly rod float
The choice of a float directly depends on the reservoir on which fishing is to be. If the flow rate is small or not at all, then a more sensitive float should be taken. If fishing is to be on a river with a fast current, then you should take lifting spherical floats.
Sinkers, leash and hook
For the fly rod, small sinkers are used, which are distributed along the tackle. This allows the bait to sink longer.
You should also ship the leash along the entire length. The right choice of leash: length from 10 to 25 cm and diameter up to 1 mm.
The hook is used in a small size – No3-5 with a long shank.
Fly rods usually do not use a reel, as it creates some inconvenience when fishing, but still sometimes they take simple reels with them. They are used to store line when the rod is folded.
Bait should be used according to the season:
In summer – vegetable bait (bread, peas, corn, boilies and various cereals).
During the cold snap – protein bait (caddis, maggot, fly and worm).
Any bait for fishing is used – bought in a store or self-cooked. In the finished lure, you should put the bait on which the fish will be caught. When baiting, do not use too much bait, as the fish will become oversaturated and will bite less actively.
Various flavors can be added to complementary foods that will increase the number and quality of bites. Of the flavors, the following can be noted:
- Garlic.
- Anise.
- Hemp.
- Vanilla.
- Med.
- Dill.
Choosing a fishing spot
In summer, fish stay at shallow depths (1-4 m) due to the fact that in hot weather there is more oxygen, food and there are no sudden changes in temperature. First you need to find a free area of uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe area where you can cast the rod. It is also necessary to find a flat bottom, where there is a kind of shelf, on which bottom fish wander in search of food. Basically, the first edge starts right behind the aquatic vegetation, in this place you should throw bait and bait and successfully fill the cage.
To pinpoint the exact location of such a section of the bottom, you should use a depth gauge. It is a brass or lead weight that is attached to a hook. On a fly rod, a lead weight with a ring at the end is more often used. The optimal weight of the load is about 15-20 g.
When fishing in an unfamiliar body of water, you need to collect a fishing rod and attach a depth gauge to the hook. Then walk along the coastal zone in search of a suitable place. To do this, you should carefully check the bottom topography and determine the approximate depth. Once the fishing point is found, you can feed the fish and wait for a bite.
Technique and tactics of fishing
When fishing in a swoop, it is necessary to keep the line in tension throughout the entire fishing process, that is, the rod is in your hands.
During the bite, you can immediately cut. Since the fish is cautious, then, feeling resistance, it spits out the bait and does not even catch on with its lip. If you put the rod down and loosen the line, then there may not be enough time to hook.
When fishing with a swoop, for a greater likelihood of bites, they play with bait. When the rod is in hand, fishing becomes more interesting and productive, because you need to lift it up, playing along with the bait. When fishing in still water, you need to slightly raise the line, then the bait with the hook will rise, and the fish will be interested in this.
How to fish
Playing a fish with a fly rod is not an easy job. If the fish is large, it must be carefully brought to the shore. It is not recommended to immediately take the fish out of the water, you must first tire it. The main mistake that leads to breakage of the rod or breakage of the tackle is the powerful lifting of the rod when playing the fish. In order to eliminate this, you need to have a landing net with a long handle, this will allow you not to wind the rod high to extract the fish from the water.
To properly cast a fly rod, you must be guided by the following tactics:
- release the rod a little forward;
- sharply lead him by the shoulder;
- smoothly cast into a baited place.
What kind of fish can be caught with a fly rod
Fly fishing is active fishing, which involves catching fish not in quality, but in quantity. Therefore, the weight of the fish is often between 100 g and 1 kg. Also, if you properly prepare the tackle and feed the place, you can catch fish up to 3 kg, but this will be a test for the rod.
On a fly rod, you can catch absolutely all the fish, it all depends on the place, food and bait. Since fishing takes place in the coastal zone, you can count on the following fish:
- roach, rudd, bleak;
- bream, white bream;
- carp, carp;
- carp, tench;
- perch, walleye, zander;
- head, dyke
Using the right fly rod, you can have a good time fishing. Fly fishing will not leave anyone indifferent.