Fly does not sit. An effective way to drive these insects out of your home
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Jaw open windows and balcony doors are a kind of invitation to flies for flies. The appearance of insects can effectively spoil your rest. That is why we have prepared some tips on how to successfully remove unwanted guests.

  1. Flies are one of the most annoying insects in the world. You can meet them almost everywhere
  2. They reproduce very quickly. The female can lay 100 eggs and does it every few days
  3. These insects do not like vanilla, for example. They are also not very fond of other fragrances
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Flies are almost everywhere

House flies are one of the most onerous and cosmopolitan insects in the world. They can be found in various climatic zones and environments, usually in close proximity to humans. This insect lives for only a month. However, he mastered the technique of reproducing and extending the species to perfection. The female can lay up to 100 eggs at a time, repeating the process every few days. That is why it is worth knowing how to remove an unwanted insect from the apartment.

Ways to catch flies. Vanilla oil

Vanilla is a plant with a specific smell that flies do not like very much. To chase away the flies, just leave the jar of fragrance oil open on the table. Additionally, you can add a few mint leaves to it and the insects will start fleeing in a panic. They really don’t like this combination of scents. If mosquitoes also make life in your apartment unpleasant, consider adding coconut oil or citronella. This will solve both problems at once.

  1. See: Fluff bite – bothersome but harmless. How to protect yourself from it?

A way to catch flies. Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar shows a similar effectiveness. Well positioned on the kitchen windowsill will help get rid of insects. Vinegar mixed with essential oil can be sprayed in the apartment using a special dispenser or atomizer.

A way to catch flies. Eucalyptus

Lemon and eucalyptus oil are also a strong weapon in the fight against unwanted tenants. The flies will also be deterred by the aroma of the clove-based aroma. It is enough to spray the oil on the place where flies accumulate.

  1. Take a look: The mosquito can transmit dangerous parasites. How can you protect yourself?

A way to catch flies. Lavender

In order to avoid an uninvited visit of flies in the apartment, it is worth using lavender oil. Yet another way to treat flies is to make a powder with a spicy aroma. To make it, you need to mix pepper, garlic and cinnamon.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. Parasites live in our beds. They bite at night, they suck blood
  2. A distinctive sign that a spider has bitten you. It cannot be confused with anything else
  3. Mosquito, tick, spider – what to do when it bites? Quick reaction is what counts
  4. The wren are attacking the deer. We mistake them for ticks and their bites are very painful

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