Fly agaric Vittadini is a conditionally edible representative of the Amanitov family, but some sources classify it as an inedible category. So to eat this type of food or not is an individual decision. But, in order not to confuse it with poisonous specimens, you need to carefully read the external characteristics, view photos and videos.
Description of Vittadini fly agaric
Fly agaric Vittadini can easily be confused with poisonous counterparts, so you need to start getting to know him with external characteristics. It will also be important to view photos and videos.

Suitable for fried, stewed and boiled dishes
Cap Description
The fruit body has a large cap, up to 17 cm in diameter. The surface is covered with a whitish or light gray skin with numerous dark growths. There are also specimens with a greenish surface. The bell-shaped or prostrate hat has smooth, uneven or ribbed edges. The lower layer is formed by free, thin whitish plates. At a young age, they are covered with a film, which, as the fungus grows, breaks and descends onto the leg. Fruiting occurs in oblong spores, which are located in a snow-white powder.

The cap is covered with numerous dark scales.
Description of the leg
An even leg 10-15 cm long is covered with a white peel. Towards the base, the shape narrows and acquires a coffee color. The species has a distinctive feature: the presence of rings on the leg, which consist of white pointed scales and a vulva located at the base. The vulva can only be seen in young representatives, as it grows thinner and disappears over time.

The leg is long, surrounded by a dense ring
Where and how to grow
Fly agaric Vittadini is common in the southern regions, in mixed forests, forest plantations, in virgin steppes. Grows in single specimens, rarely in small families. It starts fruiting from May to October.
Edible mushroom fly agaric Vittadini or poisonous
Fly agaric Vittadini, due to its pleasant taste and aroma, is eaten fried, stewed and boiled. But since the species has very similar deadly poisonous counterparts, experienced mushroom pickers do not recommend collecting it.
Fly agaric Vittadini, like all edible representatives, benefit and harm the body.
Beneficial features:
- increases immunity;
- strengthens blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure;
- soothes the nervous system;
- normalizes the metabolic process and removes bad cholesterol;
- satisfies the feeling of hunger, so mushroom dishes are recommended for people who monitor their weight;
- stops the growth of cancer cells.
Mushroom dishes are not recommended for children under 7 years old, pregnant women, people with intestinal and gastric diseases and 2-3 hours before bedtime.
To have an idea of what the Vittadini fly agaric looks like, you need to view photos and videos, as well as know the external characteristics of inedible counterparts.

A rare species grows in single specimens or small families.
Twins and their differences
Fly agaric Vittadini, like any forest dweller, has similar counterparts. These include:
- Fly agaric white or spring – a deadly poisonous representative of the forest kingdom. You can recognize it by a rounded or straightened snow-white hat with a small depression in the center. The surface is dry, velvety, reaches a diameter of no more than 10 cm. The hollow leg is cylindrical, painted to match the cap. The surface is fibrous, scaly. The snow-white pulp is dense, exudes a sharp unpleasant aroma. When eaten, it causes death.
A deadly representative of the mushroom kingdom
- Umbrella white – an edible species with a peculiar flavor, reminiscent of the taste of chicken. In young specimens, the cap is slightly elongated, as it grows, it becomes half-spread and, by full maturity, takes the form of an opened umbrella. The snow-white surface is covered with numerous dark scales. The stem is thin and long, painted to match the cap. Snow-white or gray flesh is fragile, with a pleasant taste and smell.
Beautiful appearance with a pleasant taste and smell
Fly agaric Vittadini is an edible representative of the mushroom kingdom. During a drought, the fruiting body stops growing and falls asleep; after rains, the fungus recovers and continues its development. Since this representative is similar to a deadly poisonous fellow, you need to carefully read the external characteristics. But if during mushroom hunting there is a share of doubts about authenticity, then it is better to pass by.