Amanita Elias is a rather rare variety of mushrooms, unique in that it does not form fruiting bodies every year. mushroom pickers know little about him, since they practically never met him.
Description of the fly agaric Eliasa
Like all representatives of the Amanita, this mushroom has a fruiting body, consisting of their legs and caps. The upper part is lamellar, the elements are thin, free, white.
Cap Description
The cap is medium in size, it does not exceed 10 cm in diameter. In young specimens, it is more like an egg in shape, and as it grows, it changes shape to a convex one. Sometimes a tubercle forms in the middle. Color may be different. There are instances with a pink hat and even brown. There are scars on the edges, they can bend up. If the weather is wet, it becomes slippery to the touch.
Description of the leg
The leg is typical for representatives of this genus: even, thin, high, reminiscent of a cylinder in shape. It can reach from 10 to 12 cm, sometimes it has a bend. A little wider at the base, there is a ring hanging down and having a white color.
Where and how to grow
Fly agaric Elias grows in regions with a Mediterranean climate. It is found in Europe, but it is very difficult to find it in Our Country. It is considered a rare representative of the Fly Agaric. It grows in mixed and deciduous forests, prefers the neighborhood of hornbeam, oak or walnut, as well as beech. Can live near eucalyptus trees.
Elias fly agaric is edible or poisonous
Belongs to the group of conditionally edible. The pulp is dense, but due to the unexpressed taste and the almost complete absence of smell, it has no nutritional value. Mushrooms appear at the very end of summer and early autumn.
Twins and their differences
This species has quite a few twins:
- The float is white. It is conditionally edible, does not have a ring. At the base there is a remnant of a Volvo.
- The umbrella is white. Edible look. The difference is the brownish shade of the cap, it is covered with scales.
- The umbrella is thin. Also from the edible group. It has a characteristic sharp tubercle on top, as well as scales all over the surface.
The Elias fly agaric is not a toxic mushroom, but it is not worth picking. He does not have a bright taste, besides, he has many poisonous counterparts that can cause serious poisoning.